Mad At God {Chapter 3}

144 8 6

Warnings: kidnapping, violence, gun

Word count: 1150


With news of Fisk's detainment situation, the whole of New York was divided. Some defended how the DA was handling his whole ordeal but it was mostly rich people who don't know what kind of things he's truly done.

I'm sure, however, that Fisk is sitting in an ivory tower not having to worry about a single thing. 

As I was walking home from school one day, I got a call from an unknown number. Normally, I would hang up because it might just be spam, but something compelled me to answer it. "Hello?" I ask, waiting to hear about my car's extended warranty.

"Rylanne, I don't have much time, so you need to listen," I hear my dad say on the other line.

"So now you call, huh?" I huff. Some dad.

"Rylanne, this is about your safety so just shut up and pay attention," he says sternly into the phone. A bit took aback by his tone of voice, I stop talking. "Fisk knows who I am. Which means he knows who you are... Take a few sick days from school and stay home," he commands.

"But I can't just- If I have any absences..." I ramble, a bit pissed and scared at the same time.

"Rylanne Mary Murdock, head home. Right. Now," he demands. Taking a breath, I know he means well, but... Fine.

"Okay... I'm going," I nod. He hangs up. "Love you, too..." I mumble. I glance around, looking at my surroundings, suddenly becoming more paranoid. I hear a car pass and I almost jump.

Mentally telling myself to calm down, practically berating myself as I glance at all the strangers around me. I'm only 15 minutes from home, but I could make it in about 7 if I run. And that's probably going to be my best bet.

I run through the most crowded streets, hoping that if someone tries to catch me, there will be enough witnesses that they would be scared off. But there is this one road that's always empty during this time of day and I dread reaching it.

Unfortunately, being fast, I get there pretty quickly, and there's a white van waiting for me. Maybe I can walk into one of the apartment buildings and hang there until Foggy picks me up.

Just as I was about to open the door to the nearest building, I felt someone yank me. I kick and scream, calling out for help, but no one comes. I try to see who's grabbed me, clawing at their arms, clawing desperately for them to let go.

"Help!" I shriek, hoping someone can hear me.

"No use, kid. Boss paid off the whole block not to say anything," the man says, shoving me into the back. He slams the doors closed and I pound on them, demanding to be let out. There's a much larger man sitting up front.

"If you don't shut up, I'll shoot you," the man in the driver's seat says, holding up a pretty big gun. I purse my lips, edging myself farther away from him.

The man goes to sit in the passenger seat and they take off.

Quickly, I pull out my phone, turning the brightness all the way down so they don't see it. I text Foggy about what just happened, hoping he'd call the cops or something. Then I turn it off fully and hide it on my person so they don't find it.

I close my eyes, trying to figure out a way I could overpower them both. They're both pretty big, and one has a gun, but maybe... No, I'm too overconfident in my abilities to do anything.

Opening my eyes, I look around where I am, lucky that they didn't tie me up. There's a dead mouse that seems to be rotting and a bunch of lumber. Nothing too useful.

I could try to throw the dead mouse they've clearly forgotten about up front and see if they swerve and crash, but that's a higher chance I could get injured. And, if they don't swerve and aren't afraid of dead things, they'll just shoot me.

They take a sharp left turn, and my head slams into the wood pile. I hold in any sounds of pain, hoping they forget about me back here as well, like that dead mouse.

Then, they stop abruptly and I get thrown forward slightly. "Ready to meet our boss?" the man who grabbed me asked. They open the back and I can see we're in an alleyway. I'm forced at gunpoint through a bunch of tunnels until I'm in some sort of room with a bunch of monitors and a poor old lady sitting watching them all.

I look at one of them, seeing a bunch of rich people in fancy clothes going up and down stairs.

"Wait here," the larger of the men tells me.

I sneak a peek back at the monitors, watching the two men go into a room and talk to someone. The monitors are quite a distance from me so I can't tell who they're talking to, but I have an inkling.

The door opens again and I'm forced through another tunnel with a gun pointed at my back, right where my heart is. As if I was going to run...

I'm led to a large, fancy-looking room that looks like a billionaire owns it. I was right about who their boss is.

The guy holding the gun pushes me with the barrel and I stumble a bit. I glare back at him, wishing I could rip his eyes out or something.

"Gentlemen, this is not how we treat a guest," a familiar voice rings all around. It's hard to tell where it's coming from.

"But sir- The girl resisted!" one of the guys defended.

"As to be expected. You still should treat her with kindness. She's only a kid. Put the gun away and leave us," the voice says again. The two men nod profusely and walk out, leaving through a door. "I'm sorry for them," the voice says, making himself visible. Wilson Fisk. So I was right. "They don't know how to handle themselves at all," he says. 

"I understand why I'm here. But this is much... different than the last time I was kidnapped," I tell him, "The Hand did not have a luxury apartment."

"Madam Gao, I presume," Fisk says, "I knew her. Lovely woman."

"Yeah, she was nice..." I mumble, looking around. Fancy couches and fancy artwork. Definitely not the home of a man who took a deal with the DA for protection. This is the work of a man who paid a bunch of people off so he could get out of jail.

"You must be wondering about the location..." he starts, "Money usually gets what it wants."

I don't say anything right away, hoping maybe he'd stop talking. I wonder what kind of treatment I'll get here. Will I get fed? Threatened with violence? Actually injured? "That sounds about right," I say finally.

"Are you hungry?" he asks and I nod.


A/N: I know I said I would release it tomorrow but I'm on a writing roll and so... here we go.

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