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A/N: So sorry for the lateness I was going through some very despicable things and then I caught covid so I'm just going through it however here's my gift to you! Enjoy <3

Anansi's father was missing.

Well, not really; that sounds very dramatic.

Anansi's father was hiding. At some point, he had disappeared from Esi's view, and she had flown off the handle. She'd demanded Anansi find her sneaky father and bring him home at once.

If it were any other day, Esi would have clicked her tongue and shook her head, far too used to his antics. Today, however, was a special day.

Today was the day T'Challa would officially become king. Indeed it was a day of celebration. There would even be a feast later tonight; only the leaders were invited, however.

Anansi was still bitter about that.

Stepping into the herb garden, Anansi isn't shocked to see her father passively watering the plants.

"You, sir, will get me in trouble with Esi." She chastises while strolling down the walkway.

Standing over him, she watches him continue to tend to the small plants, unperturbed. He laughs to himself and motions her to sit down.

"My favorite child, you only get in trouble if you get caught."

Anansi almost pointed out that she was his only child but kept that to herself. Knowing her father, he had a witty comeback, and she wouldn't appreciate it in the slightest.

"If I didn't know any better, I would think you were a criminal in your past life," Anansi says jokingly, completely missing the look that flashes through her father's eyes.

Instead, Zuri hums in response and continues pruning the herbs as he does. His movements were methodical, and Anansi watched him, content to just be in his presence.

"You know, my dear,  you are not meant to stress things like this." His voice is calming as he vaguely gestures with his hands.

Zuri was no longer even thinking about the upcoming coronation. His mind was far off elsewhere, but Anansi didn't have the foresight to see that. It wasn't her job to worry about those things anyways.

Raising an eyebrow, she laughs and teasingly pokes her father's shoulder. "Baba, I think you are the nervous one, not me. "

There were many things Anansi was not privy to, many conversations that went unheard to her ears. She was not completely ignorant, but there were even things she didn't know.

Like the struggle Zuri and M'Baku went through so that she could go up and down the mountain as she pleases. The Jabari elders did not like that their first "Princess" was so far from what they considered safe, and the Wakandan council didn't like that she was down here at all.

But that was not the problem of the child.

"Well, today is an important day after all," He rambles, finally returning to his senses and patting her leg.

For as long as he lived, he would do his best not to worry her with the things he knew. He would hold every burden of hers as long as he could.

Anansi catches on to his somber mood and huffs fondly, "Baba, what are you thinking about?"

Zuri smiles then and gets fondly reminiscent. "This old man just worries for his daughter. You grew so fast. You were just a tiny thing yesterday, and now you are dating!"

If Anansi could turn bright red, she would. Swatting at him, she whines like a child, "Please, you're so dramatic."

When her father laughs, she rolls her eyes feeling the same fondness drift over her. Her father was essential to her sanity. He was her best friend, her rock. From the moment he took her in, he'd been the best parent he could have, which was more than she deserved, surely.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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