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Dear Drama,

I have come to the conclusion that girls are soooooo fucking dramatic no matter where they are. Why is it that girls tend to be overdramatic about everything? And then boys seem to be all up in our business. I'm like boy, get the hell away from me, I don't want you in this dramatic conversation that we are having here that obviously involves you. I know I am probably being hypocritical over here but I am trying to prove a freakin' point. So anyway..... to me girls try to turn everything into a reality show or soap operas, "Oh my God Jamie just dyed her hair pink!" Hi um, excuse me? Do we need to call the police because it sounds like someone just got murdered, mind your own damn business bitch...I'm so nice :)

Also for some reason at my "lovely" school bitches or whores whatever you want to call them seem to think that playing with poor desperate boy's emotions is cool and think that it will help them somewhere in life. Hell no, you have to go get an education first before you start working at clubs and becoming a prostitute. You never know one day your whole life could change, one day would be a stripper, the next day you could be at the cash register counting money. You don't think they went to school for counting money? Woooow.. Well guess what they did. Please don't shoot me friends but I know I'm going to be so hypocritical with this, why just why do girls like to gossip so much? Is it because our lives are just so damn interesting that they can't talk shit about theirs? Or is it that one of them have been living under a rock this whole  time and one of the other girls is just giving them a hint on what's going on? Please tell me which one it is because I am very interested in hearing this. One last question drama, how come girls think its sexy, cute, hot, or appealing to wear less clothes than any average girl? There is this one girl at my school and she wears these sort of nice clothes, I mean I wouldn't wear them, oh but I wonder why? Oh I know it's because the bitches shirt doesn't cover her boobs at all! If she's not careful they could just fall right out into little boy's faces. Even though I'd think they would enjoy that, but that's not the point.

Your #1 Fan,


May 14, 2015

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