Love and Hate

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Ria clean her desk and hear Beomgyu walk in with his clipboard and ria sigh and look at him

Beomgyu: Hey moanie, I have some patients for you and you might have to check some of the patients just in case they need surgeries

Ria: Thank you beom and don't call me that

Ria grab the clipboard and check how many patient their are

Ria: 10! I can't do 10 right now, I have a meeting soon

Beomgyu: that when you got me

Ria: Oh hell no

Beomgyu: So you don't trust me

Ria: because I just meet you yesterday why are you messing with me

Beomgyu put his hands on the desk and lean close to her face

Beomgyu: because you need me

Ria roll her eyes and she put her hand on his chest to push him back but he grab her hand

Beomgyu: Or you should check on me instead

Beomgyu tip his head and smiles

Ria: Fine you check 5 than I will do the other 5 got it? Than after you will leave me alone right

Beomgyu: That all you had to say moanie

Ria: Bring the customer in

Beomgyu let go of her and walks out the door


Destiny walk in the house and hung her jacket up and walk to the kitchen and she look at The8 feeding the girl than she walk to them

Destiny: I'm I Interrupting something?

The8: Oh no I was just feeding her dinner that all

Destiny: Dinner? Oh when you have start cooking

The8: Baby please don't start

Layla: No it's fine, I know why you wondering why I'm I staying in you guys house for a couple of days is because I had a big argument with my husband's and he kick me out so a friend of mines the8 came and help me when I need it the most

Destiny: And I'm glad you got that help but he treating you way differently is not making me happy

The8: Baby please

Layla: well I have a job tomorrow, I will give you guys alone time if that make you feel better

Destiny sigh and Layla grab her food and walk upstairs to her room than Destiny look at the8 and he was mad

The8: Can't you be nice for fucking once to her?

Destiny: I am being nice, she need to know how I feel too the8 not just you and her

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