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this chapter is intense so be prepared and this is a fan fiction means nothing is real and it is not true, its just imagination that all :)

Moni Pov

Yeosang walk to the door and open the door for her, she sigh from tiredness and she walk in the house he walk behind her and shut the front door and he walks to her when she look around the house and he wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her neck she sigh again 

Yeosang: You can get Comfortable here and don't worry he won't find you, this neighborhood is very private 

Moni: How can you be so sure?

Yeosang: I live by myself all the time princess so stop worrying and go take a warm shower will you, I have 3 bathrooms if you decide you need some place, i will get the bedroom set comfortable for you

He kisses her cheek than remove his hands from her waist and walk away from her, she walk straight down to the bathroom in the middle of the hallway, she walk to the door and open the door she turn on the lights and shut the door behind her, she walk to the Tub and turn on the water she took off her clothes and lay her body down in the hot bath water

Moni: finally peace 

Moni close her eyes for a good 10 mins until she heard a glass break outside of the bathroom than she open her eyes and glance at the door

Moni: Yeosang! Are you okay?

She hadn't heard nothing just complete silence no answer no response, she started to panicked from the quietness until she start looking at the door knob it start rumbling seem like someone trying to break in the bathroom

Moni: Yeo…Yeosang

Yeosang drops the key on the floor

Yeosang: SHIT! 

Moni: Yeosang!!

Yeosang: I'm sorry i didn't mean to scare you, i'm just trying to see if this key will work to the door

He says on the other side of the door than Moni get out the tub and wraps a towel around her body, She walk to the door and open the door and stare at Yeosang face 

Moni: Next time knock please and what did you break?

Yeosang: A glass plate! I was just preparing for dinner it's been a long day i want to treat you

Moni: Thank you Yeosang but i think i need to get some rest first

Yeosang: Right! I will be in the room on the Right

Moni nods her head and walk down the hallway to the room on the left she put on her sleepy clothes and lays in the bed than she close her eyes


Yeosang walks in the room and look at her while she is sleeping, he sigh and walks to her and pats her shoulder, she wakes up and turn around and stare at him

Yeosang: I have breakfast ready for you. Are you hungry?

Moni smiles and shakes her head 

Moni: Enough with the sweetness Yeosang, I like the Nonchalant you

Yeosang: Alright you want that,i will stop

Moni sits up on the bed and check her time on the phone

Moni: Feel like taking me to work?

Yeosang: after all that shit you've been through. you still want to work there?

Moni: I just want to do one more day of work than i will quit

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