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fleur and harry.

        fleur spent more time taking herself out for coffee than she did actually going out with a companion, but she didnt mind. She loved the quiet environment, calming music, and constant whispers of small talk. Some days she would read alone, or write. Some days she would met new strangers and chat for hours, or she would simply watch them from afar contemplating their life story. The atmosphere of the quiet cafe and her need for constant caffeine runs filled me with a small yet content joy. She liked her coffee with cream and her literature with optimism.

So on this Sunday afternoon Fleur picked at her blueberry muffin and struggled to keep her eyes on the pages of "On Sunset Highways". Classic books were her favourite. Well, classic anything really. She loved classic books such as her current read and novels like "The Great Gatsby". And classic movies like as well. "Breakfast At Tiffany's" and "Gone With The Wind" were among her favorites. Even classic music -mind you i mean classic music as in calming music from the 50s or Amy Winehouse, not classical music.

Fleur wasn't like most girls who were dying to watch "Mean Girls" for the billionth time or read "The Fault In Our Stars." She would rather soak in the bath and read about Astrology -she was a Libra. And pretty soon before she could dwell anymore on her aesthetic taste, Fleur's thoughts were disturbed when the bell of the door rang announcing someone's entrance. She slowly turned her head to see the boy from two days ago. The same boy she never thought she would see again. His hair looked and fluffier and his face looked tired and cuddly. And to Fleur's surprise he pulled up a chair right next to her table.

At first he didn't even take notice of Fleur and instead rubbed his eyes and yawned. It was 5:43 AM currently so she would understand why he'd look so tired. He looked like a little puppy as he stretched his arms out wide, a snapback turned backwards causing hair to tuff out at the sides. When the time finally came, he didn't even notice Fleur, he noticed her dark brown notebook adorned with small sloppy writing. He pointed a long finger and stared. "Wow, did you write all that," he asked.

She nodded. "Yes. But that was a very long time ago. I'm trying to write something new but it's rather hard, im hoping for some inspiration," she sighed fiddling with her black ballpoint pen. The boy pulled his chair closer to her table and nodded. "I know exactly what you mean. I haven't found any inspiration for my writing and it's driving me crazy! I mean not writing writing but like, song writing. I'm sort of in a band and usually lyrics flow to me really easily but I've just been stuck lately. That's why I came to Paris, in hopes of finding the right push for the perfect song," he explained.

His voice was so soothing Fleur wanted to slab it on her morning toast and use it like butter. She began to speak in reply but the waitress set the cup of coffee she had ordered in front of me before anything could slip from her mouth. Not long after, she brought a cup tea to the boy who was now practically sitting with Fleur at my table. "A coffee drinker I see," he pointed out taking a swing from his beverage. Fleur was surprised he hadn't burned his tongue. And then she nodded in response. "I'm more of a tea guy myself. I dunno why but coffee doesn't appeal to me the way it seems to for you," he shrugged.

After taking a careful sip Fleur set the cup gently down on the table. She laughed lightly. "It's no wonder you drink tea and I drink coffee. It's because coffee is bitter. Bitter people drink bitter coffee; sad people. People with heavy hearts. Heavy footsteps. With too much on their minds. People with regrets and unsaid words. People like me. Lonely people drink coffee" She said. "Ah but you, you drink tea. I mean it makes sense. You're light and sweet and simple. Delicate even; I can tell."

He stared at Fleur, a hint of awe and amazement in his emerald eyes. "You don't know anything about me," he said calmly but a flicker of energy in his tone. Fleur shrugged and crossed her legs and arms. "I don't need to. I mean it's quite obvious. You're a fairly attractive boy in Paris who happens to have found interest in the same cafe as I and is probably stressed out a ton with on and off girl problems and annoying friends who you know are just trying to look out for you but still," she told him reading his emotions played on his face and character like a book.

"My god you are something," he muttered wondrously. "Im Harry by the way and its nice to properly speak with you Fluer." At first the girl was confused as to where he had gotten her name but followed his gaze to the receipt with her name on it lying next to her cup. She blushed a bit and nodded as if saying 'me as well'. There were moments of silence between the two and it was rather uncomfortable. But Harry soon broke it by speaking. "Well, it's no surprise a pretty girl like you is an astound writer in Paris. I bet you're that typical French resident who is both aesthetically pleasing and poetic," he announced.

Fleur laughed. "Hardly. You don't know anything about me," She huffed crossing her arms the same way he had moments earlier. Harry smirked a devil of a smirk, licked his lips, and then leaned is slowly. "But I'd like to," he smiled sweetly even though he was oozing with seductive character. He reached across the table, snatched Fleur's purse and rummaged through it before pulling out a back ballpoint pen, and then scribbled upon her receipt. When he finished Fleur slid it into her view to see his number written and a sloppy overdone smiley face.

"I'm free whenever and pretty much lost in a city as large as this so if you ever have the time to give a tour call me or something," the boy shrugged standing from his seat. She watched in awe as Harry calm and collectedly walked away without even looking back. What had just happened shocked Fleur. It had happened so fast and it seems like just moments ago she had been admiring him without him so much as acknowledging the fact that she was even breathing. Now he was asking for her number. He was so confident and beautiful and Fleur found myself at that moment, totally captivated.


(( ew i dont even want to talk about this Nast chapter but it's the best ive got right now. it will get better i promise. and also know that they will become friends pretty abruptly but that's just how it is in life so don't be all "but they've known each other for like three seconds he could be a murderer" or "well that escalated quickly" because idk I don't want to dwell on anything for too long. anyways vote and comment thank you babes !! xx ))

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