Big News!

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Hello everyone,

I'm now, officially, an agented author represented by Keir Alekseii at Azantian Literary Agency! I hope to spread my wings a bit across genres (including trying to bring (Not So) Innocent Little Lies and Cupid on the Air to a bookstore near you), but my debut will (hopefully) be an adult grimdark fantasy, for which I'll put the pitch below!

Here are my socials:


Instagram: jkoenalonso_author

TikTok: jkoenalonso_author


Anyways, I've absolutely loved creating a community of loving people on here, and if any of my mutuals want to stay in contact, feel free to DM me for my discord handle.

Again, so grateful for the time I spent on this site (I published and finished my first ever book, Spandex Is Mandatory, on here!), so it's sad to say goodbye, but I'm happy to connect with everyone I can in the journey to come. Thank you all for your love and support! It has truly meant the world to me ❤️

Again, I'll be checking in more regularly up until my announcement, so feel free to message me!

All the best and with lots of love,

Juli :)


Within a city steeped in occult brujeria, home to a drug war older than the city, itself, stands the Bellflower: a casino that gambles in memories instead of coin.

Devoted nun and cartel daughter, Mo, defies her god and her family by following her twin into the Bellflower's neon lights. Indebted casino worker, Andy, lost her past to the dice, but must rediscover herself in order to reclaim her body and save her girlfriend from under the casino's thumb.

But at the Bellflower, there's only one thing that's certain: if you show your hand, be prepared to watch it burn.

(Not So) Innocent Little LiesWhere stories live. Discover now