The Tournament

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After living with the Ten Dragons for a week, Soo-ji continues to train hard and would spend late evening, training with Kang-dae's henchwoman, Yi Min-yeong, to get prepare for the monthly tournament, which is a month away.

Soo-ji gets pushed harder by Min-yeong every night and in time, Soo-ji is able to master all of the Ten Dragon techniques.

On the night of the tournament, all of the Ten Dragon trainees get ready to fight. Min-yeong helps Soo-ji get ready for the tournament.

She ties Soo-ji's hair into double French braids and helps her put on her fighting gloves. "You're ready?", Min-yeong asked. "As I'll ever be.", Soo-ji sighed, as she takes a deep breath.

At the fighting ring, all of the trainees, including Soo-ji lines up into two groups and held up their guards, getting ready to fight to the end.

Kang-dae is sitting on a sofa, outside the ring, with Min-yeong standing beside him

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Kang-dae is sitting on a sofa, outside the ring, with Min-yeong standing beside him. Chan-yeol, who acts as a referee, signals the trainees to get ready to fight. "1, 2, 3...FIGHT!", Chan-yeol called out, before stepping out of the ring, as all of the trainees start fighting each other.

At first, Soo-ji is thrown around by the other trainees, but she is able to get back up on her feet and defeat as many male trainees as she can. Kang-dae watches Soo-ji carefully and impressed with her skills in the ring.

One by one, all of the trainees are defeated, until it was just her and Dae-hyun left in the ring, which means that she must fight Dae-hyun, the only trainee who stood up for her since Day 1

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One by one, all of the trainees are defeated, until it was just her and Dae-hyun left in the ring, which means that she must fight Dae-hyun, the only trainee who stood up for her since Day 1.

"I'm sorry.", Soo-ji sighed, holding up her guard. "Me too, princess.", Dae-hyun smiled, who then charges at her. Soo-ji quickly dodges from his kicks and tries to lunge at him, but Dae-hyun is able to deflect her punches and grabs her by the hair, throwing her across the ring.

Dae-hyun then goes up to her and wraps a chain around her neck, trying to choke her out. Soo-ji starts to have flashbacks of the days when her father trained her as a child and Soo-ji head-butts Dae-hyun, which causes him to fall back and release her.

As Dae-hyun held his head in pain, Soo-ji jumps onto Dae-hyun, and they both fell to the ground and Soo-ji put him in a headlock, by wrapping her legs around his neck

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As Dae-hyun held his head in pain, Soo-ji jumps onto Dae-hyun, and they both fell to the ground and Soo-ji put him in a headlock, by wrapping her legs around his neck. Dae-hyun, grabs her shoulder, trying to get her legs off him, but Soo-ji, held his hand, where he held her shoulder.

Dae-hyun then gets up on his feet, with Soo-ji, in his arms and he slams her against the ring's fence. As a struggle between the two ensues, Kang-dae watches Soo-ji, using all of her strength to grab Dae-hyun's arm and twists it, which causes him to cry in pain, and make him drop her.

Soo-ji then lunges at Dae-hyun, making them both fall to the ground and she punches him in the face as the final blow, knocking him out! Soo-ji gets up on her feet, making her the only fighter standing in the ring. Kang-dae comes out from the crowd and looks at Soo-ji, who looks at him with concern.

He then grabs her arm and raises up in the air, declaring her as the winner of the monthly tournament. Everyone went wild as they cheer for Soo-ji's victory. Soo-ji then goes to check on Dae-hyun, who is unconscious. "Dae-hyun! Are you okay?!", she asked him, but Dae-hyun didn't respond.

All of the trainees, rushes up to Soo-ji, and two of them lifts her up onto their shoulders and they all cheer for her from below

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All of the trainees, rushes up to Soo-ji, and two of them lifts her up onto their shoulders and they all cheer for her from below. Soo-ji smiles and cheers with them, as she is finally accepted by the other male trainees. Min-yeong smiles proudly from the distance, so did Kang-dae.

After the tournament, everyone is asleep, whilst Soo-ji remains in the ring, sitting down for a while when she sees Dae-hyun strolling around the ring. "Hey, how are you feeling?", Soo-ji asked. "Sore, but I'll be fine. That was a great hit! Well done and congrats!", Dae-hyun smiled.

His words made Soo-ji smile. "Thanks.", she smiled and he is about to head back to his room. "Dae-hyun!", Soo-ji called out, which makes him stop and he turns back to her. "Hmm?", Dae-hyun asked. "I'm sorry, for punching you.", Soo-ji sighed.

"Sorry for what? It's just a fight. Nothing biggie.", Dae-hyun smiled as he winks at her and he leaves the ring, as Soo-ji watches him go. Then Chan-yeol, appears from behind. "He really likes you.", Chan-yeol replied.

Soo-ji turns and sees Chan-yeol behind her. "You think Dae-hyun has a crush on me?", Soo-ji asked. Chan-yeol then scoffs her words.

"Didn't you notice that he always stood up for you when the other trainees treats you like shit, and have you ever notice the way he smiles when he looks at you?", Chan-yeol asked. "I never noticed to be honest. I barely know him.", Soo-ji replied.

"Well, I saw the way he smiles whenever he looks at you. I know that he has a crush on you.", Chan-yeol smiled, as he leaves. Soo-ji thought about what she just learned about Dae-hyun's secret crush on her, but she barely knew the guy and doesn't even seem to like him the same way.

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