Chapter 20

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Alessandro's POV~

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Alessandro's POV~


The bastard greets his teeth in pain after an hour of continuous torture but Damien keeps drilling a hole in his left knee completely ignoring his irritating voice.

Satisfied with his work, he backs away a little.

"Remembered now?"

Luciano just glares at him in return.

"No problem. We have a lot of time to do that." Damien retorts.

Luciano moves his gaze from him to me.
"So che non mi ucciderai. Non prima di avere le info..." He breathes harshly before starting again. "informazioni. Quindi queste tue false minacce" He shakes his head, chuckling a bit, "non mi spaventano."

(I know you will not kill me. Not before you have the info...) (information. So these fake threats of yours) (do not scare me.)

I stay quiet, observing his features silently before one side of my lips slowly twitches up in amusement. "Lo dai o no. Ti ucciderò in ogni caso, Morelli. Ti sto solo dando il piacere di scegliere una morte meno dolorosa. Ma immagino che tu non lo voglia."

(You give it or not. I am going to kill you either way, Morelli. I am just giving you the pleasures of choosing a less painful death. But guess you do not want it.)

His nostrils flare in anger sensing the clear humiliation in my tone and he barks, "Non dimenticare che sono tuo zi..."

(Do not forget I am your unc..)

"Voice down before your Don." My loud voice thunders in the room, silencing everyone and he flinches in his seat by the force of it.

Taking my answer as que, Damien smirks at him and goes on to his right knee this time, making Luciano widen his eyes at him. The little hope he had before demolishing now.

"Just put a little pressure right there..." Saying this he forces the drill machine in his flesh again, cutting his bone on the way.

Luciano screams in agony, thrashing in the chair he is restricted to.

"No-nooo. I will tell. Stop it. Just stop."

"And here we go." Taking the machine out of his bloodied leg, making sure to hurt him more while doing so, Damien stands up, victorious. "Was not that hard now. Was it?"

Luciano coughs out blood, his bloody knees creating a dirty mess on the floor around him.

Passing Damien, I come to stand in front of him and clutch his hair in a tight grip, pushing his head up to face me, "So?"

"I-i do not know much about him. I have not even seen him...ever."

Pulling my gun out with my other hand, I press the tip of it into the hole of his knee and he whimpers.

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