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IT was a very stormy night and the lightening go
some bad it could the high grass around they bayou.
With the high winds it only made the fire spread faster.
As it got closer to George’s property, he knew he had to
call the police. Once the fire department arrived, they
got the fires put out in time to save George’s home.
What they thought was only a brush wind fire due to
the weather it quickly turned into the investigation
including the FBI.
Once the first body was found and being so close to
the bayou, they knew she wasn’t part of the fire due to
having been there looked like for a while. But once the
sunrise came over the mountain you could see the bayou better and that is when they find the other
bodies of the disappeared were discovered.
The police of course ask George to come down to
the station to talk and explain about what they had
found on his property. One the drive, George said
nothing. As they are questioning him, they tell him
about the bodies found. George was speechless and
wasn’t sure what to say without sounding guilty of
something he had nothing to with. Chief Keith had
known George for many years. He grew up with him
and knew George had nothing to do with this either.
George was let go and so the search for the real killer
Chief Keith called in the FBI after the second body
was discovered. That is when Dom arrived at the front
desk asking to speak to the Chief that it was an
emergency. Chief comes out from his office and asked
what he could help him with. Dom tells him about his
friends, and they hadn’t contacted anyone in a while,
and he knows this is where they were when because
that was the last time spoke to them when they
checked into the bed and breakfast. No-one has heardfrom them since and once of them was pregnant. And
has hypertension and needs her medication. The chief
assures Dom that he and the FBI are searching for them
very closely to find his friends.
Chief Keith goes off the information Dom gave and
went to check in with Beth the business owner of bed
and breakfast.
“Hi, Beth, how are you doing?” Chief said has he
walked up to the front desk.
“OH! Beth yelled out. You scared me Chief. I’m
good, how can I help you today?” she said with a slight
grin on her face. As if she wasn’t guilty of anything as
“Do you remember the two young women that
checked in a few nights ago?”
“No sir, but when I went to check their room the
next morning for it to be cleaned and all of their
belongings were still here even their car is still parked in
the back.”
“You didn’t see them leave the BNB at any time
during the night?” he said“Well, Chief, I don’t stay all night I close once it is
sunset. Nothing has ever happened her before, so I’ve
never stayed overnight. You know no one stays open
after sunset besides Cami’s bar.” Beth responded.
“Okay, if you hear anything about them call me as
soon as it happens, okay Beth.” Chief ordered.
“Yes, sir. I will give you a call if I hear anything.” She
“Oh, and I’m going to need to gather their
belongings for evidence.” Chief told Beth.
“Oh ok, wait right here, they should be in the lost
and found in the back.” She said.
Beth more nervous than a cat. Chief Keith knew
something didn’t add up. So, he tells her that he will
follow her she could do all the lifting. There wasn’t as
much as you would think two young women would
have on a road trip. Beth explained that maybe some of
their other things were still in their car. Chief wasn’t
buying it. He asked to see the room they were staying.
Being that he’s the Chief of Police she knew she
couldn’t say no. He looks around and inspects the roombut seemed out of order.
He dispatched to have their car towed to the
station for more evidence. The FBI would be there at
first light, and he wanted to have some information and
details for them to hopefully include them being they
disappeared and recently just came to town, and he had
Dom there to talk about his friends if they were found.
Hopefully not having to tell him that they were a part of
the women found after the fire on the bayou. Chief has
always been kind of aware of what was happening in
his town but didn’t want to accuse anyone without
actual proof of his beliefs.
The coroner was going too busy with the two
bodies found on the bayou. Not only were there human
bodies there was looked as if they were the bones of
small animals. He knew he would be there all night.
Once the bodies were removed from where they
were buried, the bodies covered an even more sinister
side of all of this. There were black candles, a voodoo
doll, and a white feather underneath the bodies. The
FBI was made aware of everything including about
items found in the gravesThe FBI sent two agents to Deerfield to
investigate the murders and the kidnappings of Brook,
Kate, and Dom.
Bryan was 28 years old, light brown skin tone with
light brown eyes and tattoos from his time in the
military. He was very protective of Dee. They had been
partners for a few years, and he had grown attached to
her and the way she can sense things while on
investigations. Dee was 36 years old with the ability to
feel the emotions of the victims when holding the
evidence. She has never told anyone in the bureau
about her abilities. She has long black hair, tan skin, and
medium build.
Both agents were trying to figure out what the
items in the graves meant before making any comments
to the public or to the other officers. The FBI didn’t
want to give the town a fright before there was a cause
for one. Some of the people that have came to
Deerfield have disappeared like a straw in the wind.
Never to be seen again.
The FBI and officers had to go back to the dump
sites to collect the items from each of the graves. Onarrival it had begun to rain heavily, the wind began to
get a bit harder so they knew the items needed to be
properly put away to keep all the evidence and proof
they could get to solve this crazy case.
While gathering the items, they noticed that
they had the same items in every grave. One white
feather, a black candle, and a voodoo doll. Dee and
Bryan looked at each other and knew then they were
dealing with something sinister than they had planned.
They needed to find the meaning to each item
of evidence and had no clue where to even begin. Dee
knew it had something to do with voodoo or witchcraft
because of the items left at the scene. She was from
the south of Louisiana and knew what of the stuff could
be used for but didn’t want to freak out her parent,
Bryan. She also knew the white feather meant someone
in the group felt guilt about these crimes and this would
lead them to the killer.
There were young women disappearing all over the
country, but this case needed more than just two
agents. Dee and Bryan were thrilled they were chosen
for this assignment because it was their first time goingto do an investigation without other agents to guide
them along the way. They wanted to show the FBI they
can do the same job as everyone else if not better. They
felt like they needed to prove how hard they work to
get the job done no matter the situation.
As they go through the evidence spreading it all out
to get a clear view on everything, Dee noticed
something sticking out of one of the victims’ pockets.
She kept looking at it while grabbed it from the pocket.
She opens it to find this written on the piece of paper.
“My name is Brook Beckett, I’m from Walker
Louisiana. My friend, Kate Davis has been taken as well.
Please find her and help her baby. I love her.” Brook
wrote. Dee knew they still hadn’t found her friend
because they didn’t have a victim that had been
pregnant nor just had given birth, so she knew they still
had at least one more victim out there somewhere.
Bryan walked over to see what was going on.
“What is that, Dee?” he asked. Dee hands him the
paper and as he reads it, his mouth falls open and tells
Dee, “We gotten get back out there nowEither of the agents told anyone what was
happening nor where they were going. Besides they are
the FBI and can do whatever they need to in their
investigation without the local police department’s
approval. As they head out to the bayou, Dee got to
thinking. There isn’t another body on the bayou, or they
would have found it already, so she told Bryan that they
were going to do some old-fashioned police work.
The agents went to every business and home in the
little town asking questions, which didn’t lead to
anywhere until they got to Cami’s Bar where they find
Mason and he tells them about Brook and when she
came to him for help for her friend and then she
disappeared again after he left for work. He came home
that night, and she was nowhere to be found. The only
thing he had was a note she had left on his coffee table
stating that she was grateful for his help, but she had no
chose but be looking for her friend. Mason told the
agents that she even had spoken to the Chief and told
him the same thing. Mason and the Chief had been
looking for her since that night.

Chapter 6 coming ...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2022 ⏰

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