Before the cannons shoot Eren; Hannes and a random soldier are seen on top of the wall with the rest of the main group, looking down at the Titans being pierced by a harpoon head tied up on a net, as the Titans look at them with hunger...
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Hannes: They're sticking to those harpoons all right. Making a bulwark out of the Titans themselves was the technical crew's idea...Still, we can't let our guard down. We have to forget regular operations and be ready to respond flexibly to whatever happens. The Titans could charge...or the colossus titan could pop up out of nowhere. This wall is the front line of the war between the human race and the Titans...*looks at the random soldier as the soldier is sweating in fear...*...what's wrong?
Random soldier: Nothing. Our mission's going smoothly... But... I'm worried about our comrades in the vanguard.
Hannes: Yeah... For now, it's better we don't know how they're doing... We should concentrate on the counter attack, just like we did during initial training
Random soldier: I heard the three kids who escaped with you five years are trainees, captain Hannes, they're on the front line, too...
Hannes: Yeah...well there are four kids... they're tough kids, each one of them has something that'll help'em survive. One possesses advanced level combat skills. One has a tenacious spirit. And one is whip smart...and the last one has killer instinct, like a beast going berserker, but yet he's disciplined making him a better fit for a captain... they're safe. I'm sure they're all alive...
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As Hannes and the other soldiers were up at the wall admiring the view and having their own discussion, one soldier is seen riding down the street with a empty carriage, followed by other more empty carriage
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