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- ', [ CHAPTER ONE ] ꒱

𑁍 Running back to you.

✧ Yoongi

Here I am in front of the door. The door keeps our history hidden from me. All my stupid words and actions that still affect my life today.

I don't know why I decided to come here after such a long time, but it doesn't matter anymore. I need to see him, talk to him, at least for a minute, just like the old times.

I rise my fist to knock, but suddenly, I'm not sure if I should. Different scenarios make their way to my mind and suddenly I'm scared. Scared of what he might say to me.

When I'm finally insured enough to knock on the door, it suddenly opens.

I'm met with his eyes. The eyes that would bring me comfort just by looking at them, the eyes that would cry when we had arguments, the eyes that would shine in the darkest nights, the eyes that used to be my stars of hope.

But these eyes weren't the same as the eyes I was so in love with over three years ago. I can't see the stars that used to make them shine.

I see how his facial expression changes.

"Yoongi, what are you doing here?"

His voice has changed too. This isn't the Jungkook that would cry about our stupid arguments. This isn't the boy I hurt with my actions. This is a grown-up man, a man who moved on from a boy like me. He grew up, moved on, while I'm still the same dickhead I used to be.


I look up at him and meet his eyes again. Confusion is written all over his face, mixed with anger and pain.


I was wrong. I did hurt him, I realize. I feel sorry, so sorry. All I want to do is wrap my arms around him, and tell him how sorry I am. Beg him for forgiveness. Take all my actions and words back. Tell him that this should never have happened.

But I know I can't.

"I came to apologize," I say.

"Now?" he laughs, "You decided to apologize, now?" He lets out a hurt scoff. "What has it been, three years?"

He's laughing at my face. I feel weak, his eyes are burning on every centimeter of my body.

"Are you drunk?"

"No," I try to sound confident, but it more likely sounds like a question. "I mean, yes I've had a few drinks, but I'm not drunk."

"You should go. You're going to regret coming here tomorrow."

"Would you let me talk?"

"Look Yoongi, I'm done. I've been done with this," He motions between us with his finger, "The day you left this apartment. I don't even know why you decided to come here." He scoffs again, but this time he sounds angry. "After everything you've done to me, you decided it would be a good day to-" he cuts himself off, shaking his head. "God man, you're not even sober."

he's talking a lot louder right now and my head pounds with every word he says.

Jungkook sighs, changing the tone of his words. "Yoongi, be honest with me. What are you really doing here?"

'The truth is that I miss you, I haven't moved on and I want you, only you.' Is what I would have shouted.

But it sounds pathetic. I feel pathetic.

I feel pathetic because I was the one that got away from the only person that believed in me. Was there for me. And yet I'm selfish enough to show up after all those years like it's nothing.

I know that I don't deserve a second chance, but that's all I want at this moment.

"I-" I touch my forehead with my hand, trying to fewer the pounding in my head. I try to think, but that makes my headache worse.

He's right, I'm not sober. But it's easier to deny that than to confess, isn't it?

"I don't know, I should probably go."

I turn around and hear the door close behind me.


I wake up from my slumber and open my eyes slowly. Memories from yesterday fill my head.

"Shit," I murmur under my breath.

I fucked up bad. How could I be so selfish to drive up to his apartment and ask him to forgive me?

I groan.

I try to sit up straight, but my head starts to hurt the moment I do so. I lay back down and think about yesterday's events.

I remember being taller than Jungkook when we were together. Although yesterday, when I saw him, he was not only taller; his jawline was sharper, his shoulder wider, his eyes darker.

I look in the mirror across my room. The only thing that had changed about me was my hair; it's blond now.

I grab my pillow to hide my face in and groan.


"So tell me about whole reunion thing," Hoseok sits down next to me, shouting over the loud music. The girl I was talking to stands up and winks at me. I smile at her while she walks away.

I turn to Hoseok. "Reunion?" I make a face, shaking my head, "I don't wanna talk about that right now."

"It went bad huh? See, that's what I said."

"Is it that easy to tell?"

"Well, yeah. If you continue drinking like that you'll end up in the hospital. And Yoongs we both know that you already have a shitta' lot to pay."

I laugh, "Shouldn't I be the one telling you that shit? Aren't I older?"

"You might be older, but I'm surely wiser." He winks, "Are you into one-nightstands again by the way? I thought you were over that." He mentions to the girl with his cup.

"Young man, that's none of your business," I push him playfully, "And now that you've mentioned that, I will see you later." I stand up and give the laughing Hoseok one last look as I make my way towards the girl.


Hi loves, I'm so excited to start this new story! What do you think so far? :)

I'd really appreciate it if you'd vote or even commented if you'd like. That helps this story to reach more readers + gives me more motivation to write it!

( I have edited this chapter a little! )

Thanks :)


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