Daggers to the Heart

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The thick scent of damp earth and wet moss swallowed a man up the further he led his horse into the thicket. Soft from the morning mists, the dank ground engulfed any sound that flaxen-haired man could have made.

Lowering his violet eyes, he stopped and looked around trying to find what was out of the average. There was nothing.


Whipping around he starred into the direction he guessed the sound had come from. He got off his horse.


Narrowing in on the noise, he took a step. Stone still eyes shot up towards the noise then back down on what he'd stepped on. A dagger. Noticing this, the man squatted down to retrieve the weapon. Its emblem is what intrigued him. It was not an ordinary weapon. A grey direwolf.

Hand on his sheathed sword, he stood up and walked towards the tell tale sound. He knew he was getting closer when he saw the white horse picking up the grass while its owner was somewhere behind it. Whereas the owner was indeed behind him. The sudden sense of cold metal slipped against the warm skin of his neck.

"Don't move." A woman's voice.

Taken aback, the man stilled in his place calculating how you got there.

"Drop the sword from your belt.. and the other one."

"I don't-"

"Drop it now." The cold metal pressed harder into the back of his neck.

"Alright alright," he didn't argue with you. Slowly disgarding the weapons he raised his arms up. He heard a thud as his weapons were kicked out furher of his reach.

"I am-" He began to introduce himself.

"A dragon." He turned to see the indurate voice coming out of a surprisingly good-looking woman starring him down with the absolute confidence. He was taken back by your height, your frame nearly reaching his shoulders. Your hair tight against the middle of your head in two half braids. Silk sleeves of your dress fluttered with a faint breath of wind as the man found his eyes finally make their way up to yours.

"I only wonder why a wolf got separated from its pack so far away." He chuckled feeling the dagger press harder into his throat.

"I could ask you the same thing. Out here causing such a fuss." You removed the dagger skillfully hiding it somewhere behind your gown.

"Out here throwing daggers at strangers is you, my lady." He chanted, feeling the little scar with his fingers the dagger left at the side of his neck.

"Practicing." You crossed your arms over the leather tunic you wore.

"Who taught you how to use them?"

"No one." A sly grin slipped onto your flush lips.

"Daemon Targaryen." He finally introduced himself and smiled doing so, "Commander of the City Watch of King's Landing."

Your silky low voice filtered to Daemon, "And how do you serve King's Landing, my lord, by wandering in the woods?"

Daemon lost his diplomatic footing as you giggled. "Very good. But you didn't answer my question."

"The tourney for King Viserys." You gathered your weapons into the covers and fixed them around your waist.

"Ah, my brother, sure we're all here to celebrate him." Daemon scowled a little and squatted down to pick his weapons when your leg landed on them making him look up, a small cut at the side of your gown, baring your leg, not going unnoticed by him.

You leaned over to grab his face so that he was looking directly at you. "I never said you can collect them."

Choked up by your cunning attitude, he tried to find his tongue to retort. He didn't show any emotions. "Would you like to keep them as trophies?" He asked while his hand made his way towards the cut in your gown brushing over your leg with the tender of his touch.

It only made your grip on his face tighten as you whispered, "Behave yourself, dragon."

As if nothing happened, you let go of his face and hurried to straddle your horse noticing the sun go down, darkness engulfing the trees. Very pleased with yourself by the smirk prying on your lips and sparkle in eyes, you trotted off leaving the blond knight behind.


Hey hey hey, I'm back with my new crush - my lord Daemon 🧎

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