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"YOU WANNA HOLD HANDS?" suna asked as you and him walked down the warm early morning streets

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"YOU WANNA HOLD HANDS?" suna asked as you and him walked down the warm early morning streets. he donned his clothes from last night—but after a shower— while you wore a pair of baggy shorts with a baggy zip up hoodie that hung off your shoulder but covered your hands. oh! and your prized black birkenstock sandals that you swore you wore "differently" than the "basic" girls.


"i was just kidding."

"no you weren't."


when the two finally arrived at the cafe, suna pushed open the door allowing you to slip through first. you were quite familiar with the quaint place; you were a regular not because you could afford it BUT because your college could.

the place had an industrial feel, you know, the brown walls, dim lights, and plants that decorated the floors and walls. the normal booths and chairs were replaced by comfy couches and coffee tables that were decorated with books and magazines that gave off a pretentious vibe.

you quickly made your way over to the familiar green couch—your normal spot—and sat down as suna followed suit.

"let's get ube cake." you said with a small smile that was hidden behind your comically large menu, "we can share it."

"you want cake for breakfast?" he questioned as he peeked over his menu, over at your h/c hair peeking over the menu.

you dropped your menu to give him an annoyed look, "it's a tea cake—you're supposed to eat it for breakfast."

"hi welcome to bad owl! what can i get you guys?" the waitress said a little bit too enthusiastically as she walked up to the table. it was too much for a job that paid her jack shit.

you felt a weird aura radiate off the girl as you watched her nervously fidget with her notebook; her eyes never dared to leave suna's direction.

"yea, can i get a—"

"actually i don't like to start at that side of the couch," the waitress interrupted you, "it's just a weird thing! it's not you!"

it was definitely you.

"so what can i get ya?" she asked suna with her back turned towards you.

"what do you guys have to drink?" he asked as his cheek rested on his palm. the waitress felt her face heat up as she bit back a smile.

"we've got juices, coffee, tea—both hot and cold-"

"what teas do you have?" he questioned as he looked up at her. you rolled your eyes at the look the waitress gave suna as you sunk back into the sofa.

"we've got earl, black, anything fruity, green-"

"i'll take an iced green tea then." the middle blocker said as he dropped the menu and ran his fingers through his dark hair. the waitress could have exploded on the moment as she knew her cheeks were bright red. she quickly scribbled on her note pad.

"great." you said unenthusiastically as you dropped your phone into your lap. "can i order now?" you asked as you looked up to the waitress with an annoyed look.

the waitress rolled her eyes as she turned to you, "yeah...what can i get you?" she asked with a fake smile.

"an iced chai latte and two slices of ube cake," you folded up your menu and placed it down.

"oh..." the waitress said as she wrote down the order, "you do know the slices are big right?"

your gaze narrowed as a look that screamed don't piss me off was etched onto your face. "yeah—one for me and one for him. thanks that'll be it." you rushed as the waitress scoffed and left the table.

"...you're mean." suna said with a small laugh as he leaned back into the couch. he turned his head to look over at you only to be met with an irritated expression.

"am not. she's just a bitch—and she only acted like that cause you were here."

"you would know..." he muttered before a small smile snuck up onto his face as the question left his lips. "we're you jealous?"

"you wish."

"i really do."


"what is ube?" suna asked as he took another bite of the purple cake.

"i'm not completely sure," you said as you adjusted your criss cross apple sauce position, "i just picked it because it was purple one day and found out i liked it," you shrugged.

he nodded as he took a sip from his tea, "what does your drink taste like?"



"do you wanna try it?"


"here," you handed your cup over to him and watched as he took a sip from the paper straw.


"no one told you to drink it. kill yourself." you said as you snatched back your drink. suna's mouth fell open as a laugh slipped out.

"did you just tell me to kill myself?" he asked with a laugh before he took a sip of his tea, "what if i actually did?"

you seemed to pause and think for a moment, causing his heart to stop in anticipation, "my life would be...a lot more quite." a smile crept up onto your face as you brought your drink to your lips. "but what's a stalker without his stalkee?"

"why does my nickname have to be something so...illegal?" he asked with a tilted head and furrowed eyebrows.

"no, it's not a nickname it's a status," you explained with a small smile as you looked over at him. you then leaned in a little closer as if you were going to tell a secret, "it's a good thing, swear."

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