chapter 1 the children like the shadow like his brother

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One Saturday morning the children which name is Loic lylian Brum was talking to himself why I have a little shadow that goes in and out of him. Loic went outside to play with his cousin Tom, Tom want play tennis but lylian was not tossing to take a racket of tennis. Then the shadow reappear loic was taken aback. He was so happy that he start running in the house, lylian left his cousin outside and went in his bedroom. Tom was blistered and went to his house with pain. Loic was so excited to play with his friend's Dacre which lylian give the name Dacre to the shadow
Lylian always said( that the Dacre was very very like him with no differences from the heels up to the head.) He is always angry with Dacre because every times he want to jump on his bed to play with him, the shadow jump before him when he jump into his bed. So loic don't have the opportunity to play and spend all the day to play with him. The poor kid who was upset grabs his pillow and starts screaming in it. He has come to his senses and puts the pillow on the bed , he doesn't even look at Dacre. He closed his eyes and sat on the bed. Suddenly something  unusual happened

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2022 ⏰

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