Chapter 1

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I was doing chores around the farm. I had lots to do. My name's Kasey Winston. I am fifteen and living alone. My big brother, Dallas Winston, left me and my parents alone on the farm when I was six. My father died a year later in a shooting at a grocery store. My mother left me two years after my dad died because she thought I was worthless and a rebel.

I was saddling one of my horses to help me push out the large sprinklers when I saw two kids pass by my farm. They looked to be around my age. They didn't belong here. I decided to watch them.

"Lucky, keep pushin'. I'll go get Babe and you two can push it out." I said to my horse. I ran inside my stable and ushered Babe to Lucky so they could start pushing the sprinkler. I ran inside of my house and grabbed my hat, a blaster, and a small amount of food. I packed these items in a backpack as I only had two saddles and both were used on my working horses.

I jumped on my lusitano stallion named Spade. I had traded his original owner three pounds of corn ears and tomatoes for him. Even though I had no saddle, I had learned to ride without one a couple years after my mother left me.

"Follow." Is all I say as he gallops towards the two kids.

"Slow." I say once we catch up to them. We are far enough to not be seen or heard from but close enough for me to see them. A truck came over to one of them and I could hear him asking him things. I saw him point to Jay Mountain.

"Jay Mountain." I whisper into Spade's ear. Spade takes off with me on his back, holding onto his main gently and gently kneeing him in the sides as he runs to Jay Mountain. The kids are out of sight but I knew we left a cloud of dust when we past them.

"Faster. We need to be there before they do." I yelled to my horse. And faster did Spade go. Twenty minutes later, the boys came. I got off of Spade as they were going up the hill and smiled at my horse.

"Go home Spade." I instructed but Spade waited.

"Spade. Go home. In the morning you can come back." I rephrased it to his liking so that he would go. He ran like the wild horse he looked like. He knows this land like a heartbeat.

"Is that horse wild or what?" I heard one of them say. I look at them. One had fairly tan skin and black hair with leather jacket and jeans for all I could see. The other looked pretty much the same but with a lighter brown colored hair and fairer skin. I heard a blastshot in the distance and a horse whinny. The instant I heard the horse, I knew it was Spade.

"Why you little..." I grumbled and ran towards the sound came from. I knew it was the kid a couple of miles away from me. He was mean. Always picking on me for being alone. He just shot Spade. I took my blaster and loaded it as I was running, not really paying attention to where I was going. I crashed into one of the boys. My eyes were huge as I had knocked him down.

"I am terribly sorry." I reply, talking fast. As soon as he stood up, I dashed out of there in embarrassment and the fact that my horse was shot.

"Wait!" I could hear one of them call to me. I ignored them and ran as fast as I could.

"Oleander! You better not have killed Spade!" I screech as I run down the hill towards him. I point my blaster at him. He smiles deviously. I looked at Spade. He was shot in his stomach. Spade looked at me pleadingly. I knew he wanted me to leave. I stayed anyway.

"Drop your blaster Oleander." I yelled. I meant business. When I point my blaster, I mean business. He laughed. I shot him in the foot.

"Drop your blaster." I said again. With that, he dropped it and grabbed his foot in pain.

"Why is it always my foot?" He asked.

"Would you rather me in your gut?" I asked at once. I raised the blaster. He looked at me, terrified.

"Go home and stop trying to kill me and my horses. You should know by now what happens when you try to kill me and my horses." I yelled. I don't think I've ever seen him run that fast before.

"Don't believe I've seen anyone run that fast before." I heard a voice behind me. I cock my blaster. Turning around, I pointed it at the voice but lowered it because it was the two boys I ran into.

"What are you doing around these parts?" I ask, looking at them with my serious face. My serious face can be quite scary sometimes. I could tell they were nervous. I sighed.

"What are your names?" I ask. They were hesitant to answer.

"Well? I can't help you if I don't know you." I said.

"I'm Ponyboy and this is Johnny." The one with the lightish brown hair answered.

"Kasey." I stuck out my hand to shake but the Johnny kid flinched, thinking I was gonna do something.

"You know, you remind me of someone..." Johnny said. I smiled.

"What are you two doing down here?" I asked.

"I...don't really wanna talk about it." Johnny said.

"Alright. How 'bout you two come stay over at my place?" I offered, walking over to Spade. I pulled a large cloth bandage from my backpack and started patching up Spade.

"I don't know. Are your folks okay with that?" Ponyboy asked. I whipped around, stunned.

"Don't ever talk about them in front of me." I warned, rage building up at the thought of my mother.

"S-sorry." Johnny said for his buddy.

"No. I'm sorry. It's just...I hate them. Not my father mother." I tried my best to keep out the searing rage boiling through my veins.

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