Chapter 5

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your POV

We are flying in a jet to the mission and after a hour, we finally arrived. We set up some stuff on top of a building, so nobody could see us, but we can see everyone. I was on a roof of a building, Kate was on a roof too but with her bow and arrows and Pietro was undercover in a cafe. He wore some sunglasses, so that nobody could see him. 

Now we only have to wait. We waited for like 30 minutes and finally had eyes on the target. At first we were only studying, what the criminal was doing and when we saw that he would do something, we would instantly run after him. For like 5 minutes he looked really normal but this behavior changed really fast.

Kate aimed his bow at him and Pietro was in his position, to speed after him, when needed. The target looked around really nervous and spotted Kate. She mumbled "FUCK! We lost him!" and we heard her because we all had comms. I acted quickly and run down the house wall. Nobody of the Avengers knew that I could do that because Lena thought it me secretly. I always wanted to do her trick. 

When I reached the floor I untied the rope from me quickly and started running after him. While I was running, I took out my little guns and aimed at him. I wasn't allowed to shoot him somewhere that could kill him but I was allowed to shoot him somewhere less dangerous. 

Kate was still at the roof top and walked around at the top of it, to find an angle where she could hit him. Pietro was speeding too, but the cafe was in the middle of the city, so he took really long to run through the crowd of people.

I was really close to him and shot him in the leg. He fell to the grown and yelled in pain. I stopped running and informed the others. "I got him." I walked over to him and waited for Kate and Pietro to arrive. 

They arrive and Kate saw him laying at the floor. She walked over to me and gave me a high five and exclaimed. "Holly shit! That was so cool!" I smiled at her excitement and nodded my head. We waited for the jet to arrive and when he arrived, we all got in. 

We flew back and when we finally arrived, we walked in together. The others were already waiting for us three and smiled when they saw that all of us arrived back undamaged. My eyes met instantly Nat's and I saw how sad she is, that she can't run into my arms and give me a kiss. 

Before I could even walk towards them, Lena already wrapped her arms around me. "We saw everything in the meeting room and you should have seen their faces when you did my move." Lena says when she let go of the hug. I smiled and hugged her again.

Wanda walked over to me too, after she greeted Pietro. After she hugged me really tight, she asked me "Why did Tony hide you for so long? We could have needed you." Wanda said the last part with a light chuckle and walked over to Kate to greet her.

After everyone greeted us, we walked in our rooms, to get a shower because we are really smelly. After my shower, I looked on my phone and saw that I have an unread message.

From: My little Fighter 🔫🩰❤
I'm really proud of you and I'm really happy that you are still alive... but I really need some of your cuddles.

A big smile appeared on my lips when I read the message and I responded.

 To: My little Fighter 🔫🩰❤
No problem darling. Just come over tonight. 
(My door is always open for you <3)

The rest of the day, I just waited for the time to pass, so I could finally cuddle with my girlfriend. I looked at my clock and saw that it was already 21:43, so it doesn't take too long, for Nat to come over. 

After some more minutes, my door opens slowly and Nat walked in my room. She saw me laying on my bed and instantly jumped on me. She wrapped me in a really tight hug and I could tell that she was really scared to loose me, on the hug she gives me right now. I rubbed her back comfortingly and we stayed in this position for a while longer.

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