I am beautiful, Mr - 1

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Neelakshi's back ached, her stomach ached, her thighs ached, even her wrists ached, that was the area, that had the least fat in her body, according to her. For some reason, she was not being able to breathe properly and her movements felt constricted. She was running, she had to run, she had to compensate for the gulabjamuns that she had eaten. "You can do it, Neelakshi. You can do it..... Ha...ha...ha..."

Why the hell was she not being able to breathe? Her body was already in terrible pain. Damn these affirmations! They never work. Come on, run, long breaths....for sweets...for cakes....for choc.... She had went to take chocolates...when...when...

Neelakshi opened my eyes, to complete darkness, a cloth was tied across her eyes, her mouth was tied shut, her wrists were bound by tight ropes and her whole body was bent in a weird angle. What the fu..? She was kidnapped. Where was she?


Tara looked at the elder didi, sitting beside her, crying her guts out. Tara wanted to go to her home, but these bad people had taken her somewhere else. But, she believed her Iron Man, he will surely save her. She got up from her crouched position to walk near the unknown elder girl. She rubbed her small hands together to shed off the dust and moved in her direction, to console her and tell her that her hero will also help her reach her home too. Suddenly, her eyes, flew to the sack, moving behind her.

Tara watched in wonder, at the sack moving from left to right. She had watched, such a situation in her TV, surely a bad villian will come out of the big, fat sack. She will beat him. Yes! Tara walked closer to the sack, crossing the didi who was crying.

"Uumph.....mmmm.....uum" Tara poked the sack with her finger, as strange sounds escaped from it. Before she could do anything, the door to the dark room she was sitting at, opened. A huge uncle, with big beard and narrow eyes came towards her direction. He pushed Tara away and she fell on the floor, on her hips. A villian again, thought Tara.

The man teared off the sack from Neelakshi's figure. He cursed under his breath, at the massive figure. How the hell, could they be wrong at this? Who have they brought? Next, he pulled off the blinds from her eyes.

Neelakshi blinked her eyes several times, as she tried to adjust to the light. The slim belts that she was wearing under her top, had already bent due to her position, making her stomach divided into three fatty rubber bands. The belts around her thighs had already turned her legs completely numb. She tried to get up, to her feet and then staggered back, her senses blinding her for few seconds. She fell to the floor with a thud, after not being able to balance herself in that tight, constricted position.

Neelakshi groaned in pain, wanting to release her body as soon as possible. "Tch...tch," she heard.
She, then took notice of the man, she had seen just before she got kidnapped from that shop. Her mind turned confused for a second, before turning angrier at his sneer, as if he was angry at her and mocking her at the same time. She was glaring daggers at him, when another man entered the room.

"What have you brought!"

"I couldn't see in dim light."

"You couldn't see in dim light? She has so many extra.... skin, mass...., how the hell did you manage to carry her?"

"Well, I joined a gym...."

"I don't care! I will deduct your money for this. What will we do now? We won't get any customer. She is useless."

"There would be someone...."

"Nobody would want to f*** a truck!"

Neelakshi stared at the two men arguing, in horror. She was kidnapped by a sex- trafficking racket! They are going to get her raped, sell her and God knows, do what to her. That shop was hiding the racket. Her mother had bought groceries from there so many times. Who knew, what actually lay there. She cursed herself for giving in to her night craving and going to buy chocolates to that shop in her nearby colony.

Neelakshi's eyes went to a small girl, about four year old, who was staring at her, while sitting at the floor. She heard the faint hiccups and crying coming from the further end of the room.

It was then, that she knew, she was doomed. Getting out of here, alive was going to be really difficult.

To be continued.....

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