Back to My Old Life

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Ok I know what your thinking, why go back to your old life..after leaving for a new one?...Well because I have a bad feeling something is wrong and I need to check on my family.. I also was actually home sick which is weird... give me a break, haven't you ever been homesick before..just for one day?.. haha

Goliath was with me which was odd..ever since I saved his life he was hanging around me... I think he believes he owes me for saving his life..which he doesn't but it is too late to turn back

I wonder what happened with them, I mean Scar and Goliath...why did they hate each other... Aren't they brothers..forgive and forget? so many questions that are not my business to know..

I was getting hungry and tired so I slowed down, Goliath followed my lead.. I said "Can you turn into your human form or no?" He just shook his head no.. I sighed.. "I will be back...I am going to grab us some food.." he nodded..

I went into town and found a small diner..

It smelled so good, my mouth was already watering..

I entered and this old lady said "Hello welcome to Mary Jane's Breakfast, how may I help you?" I said "Can I order out?" She said "Sure" she handed me a menu... there were a lot of delicious food on here and but I ordered us two steak burgers with french fries.. for me... And got 2 steaks for Goliath and also bought two water-bottles.. we are on the run, we need to hydrate with H2O...

I paid for it and now I was waiting.. I looked around the place and noticed this group of guys, around my age.. they were football players..why do I care? I smirked.. I looked at the table behind them there were a group of girls and then there were couples and people who dine by themselves... then this one table gotten me interested.. there were 3 guys and 2 girls...they looked tough, like in a werewolf standard....I mean they were probably werewolves..or something...

weird.. I saw one of the dudes starring at me.. I looked away and pretended I wasn't starring at them..wait are they hunters? I looked down to see if anyone can see my mark..luckily no one can....I was growing anxious...this food was taking forever... I already received the two water bottles... I was bored I began watching the kitchen door for my food... Jadon "Something doesn't feel right.." I agreed..

I saw the lady with my food and she told me to have a nice night.. I said "Thank you!" I let without a word...I was walking to where Goliath was...until I heard footsteps behind me.... I groaned.. I turned around... there stood that guy from earlier and his friends... He said "What's your problem?"

I said "I got no problem...are you following me?" He smirked and said "No this is our way home..thats all" I sighed and said "I was going the wrong way any way... have a good night"

I was going to walk by them but the guy got in my way.. I sighed again and said "You want a fight? you picked the wrong guy to fight you" He smirked and said "I bet I can kick your ass" I laughed and said 'You beat me?...this is a joke right?.." He said "I will be the one laughing once I beat the shit out of you.." I said "I will fight you, and after I WIN I will laugh at you...make sure not to send your buddies after me once you lose..that be cheating.." He glared.. I placed my food down and was getting ready to fight.. I noticed Goliath, he was watching me... probably judging me...

The kid sucked at fighting I was actually bored.. I yawned like 5 times... I dodged and dodged.. I didn't even swing once.. I said "How did you learn to fight? your mom?" One of his buddies laughed but stopped since the dude glared at him...I smirked... I said "Want to finish this fight, I will be the nice one and say you won..." One of his buddies goes "Come on Kyle....this fight is lame..he isn't even fighting back..I thought you wanted to go to that bar..." the others agreed.. Kyle sighed but said "Fine let's go.." I laughed and said "You really think I would let you talk shit to me, and just let you leave like that?" Kyle turned around and said "I was going easy" I laughed "Keep telling that to yourself buddy..but I can't let you go just like that.." Kyle made a confuse face...I walked near him and punched him straight in his face.. "don't mess with me kid..." I then walked to pick my food up and left... I knew my anwser..they were humans.. I feel ashamed of thinking they were werewolves...

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