What's Your Strip Club Fantasy

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Hello The Strip readers. Thanks a ton for reading. Have you ever wished to see something happen in a story but when you reach the end your wish was not granted?

Well, here's your chance to make that wish. I can't promise I will be able to grant everyone's wishes, but we'll see. I am not short on ideas for the story, but I figured I would let the readers share their fantasies. I don't know how many I can accommodate, but feel free to submit multiple entries.

So, what is your The Strip fantasy? Perhaps you would like to make a wish for a night at The Ranch... Are you a customer or one of the ladies or gentlemen working the clubs? Dancing or taking a client to a private room? Don't be shy, let us know what crazy things happen? Do you see your wife or daughter on the stage? Is the boy you used to babysit shaking it loose under the glowing lights? Do you arrive in a private room to service a client and find your best friend's dad or mom waiting for you?

We might even have some fun in a group! If I find some compatible / similar fantasies, I might bundle them together in a single chapter... but everyone's character will have their time in the spotlight.

There are limits to what kinds of things I can do in the story. It doesn't hurt to ask, but the clubs (and Wattpad) do have standards, and won't allow certain things to happen.

Two readers have had their fantasy characters appear in The Strip - Emma. Euphoria AKA Chantel... and Joey were created for readers like you.

Here's what I need to know

Comment in this section to share your fantasy with other readers or send me a message with the details listed below. To make it easier to process, try to keep all the information in a single comment. If you run out of characters, add another comment.

The Strip - Emma is closed for requests now so your suggestions would show up in one of the other stories. You can be specific about which story you might like to be part of.

your Client / Stripper Name

Are you a client or a stripper (perhaps you are neither... bouncer, cop, angry father)

your age in the story (doesn't have to be your real age, here's your chance to be young again! or finally legal!)

your fantasy (if your gender in your fantasy story isn't obvious please specify. I don't want to insult with assumptions) If there are important details like experience or fears or tattoos in naughty places, let me know.

Yes/No - Do you want a shout out in the chapter if I use your idea? Or would you prefer I keep your fantasy a secret?

Yes/No - If I need more detail, can I message you to help build the scene or character?

Yes/No - If I use your idea, do you want me to message you before it is posted?

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