Ice and water

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it was normal Saturday for issei and his harem and friends everyone just chilled out and had a drink together

(AN I may mention stuff like beer and wine and other types of alcohol for anyone who just doesn't want to see that stuff please skip those parts)

Even kiba came round for a while

(An this is where I'll start to have the males play more of a roll)

Issei : so kiba how things been for you 

Kiba : been alright been avoiding rais as much possible tho at one point she tryed to brand me as a stary because I avoided her but I got in contact with red

(An zechs with be called red cause I can't remember hope to spell his name and I just like calling him red )

Kiba : and he stopped that he also he wanted to talk to you soon about everything that's happened since you broke up with rais I haven't said about the cat army tho

Katase : it's probably better if don't taik about them for now

Yukimara : I agree with miss katase it's probably better to stay hidden for now and reveal who we are later

Tb : I agree and it feels nice to be treated like a normal cat

Issei : you can taik tb

Tb : yes I can everyone in the cat army can talk even eraser

Eraser: feels nice to be able to express myself ( sips martini)

Tb : also I probably won't taik much cause it's just feels nice be treated like a cat

Issei : well if that's what you want little buddy then I'll happily treat you like a normal cat until otherwise

Tb : :)

Time skip

Teacher : okay and that's the bell everyone you can go home now

As everyone packs there stuff sona comes in

Sona : issei can you please come with me to the student council office your not in trouble or anything like I just wanted to check up on your wellbeing

Issei : alright let's go

Scene change

Sona : so issei tell me how you been this past few weeks

Issei : you know been alright and before you ask about rais just don't I don't wanna think about her I found new people and  moved on

Sona : that's good to hear in all honesty you've seamed a lot more upbeat and cheery and now there rumors about you dating the kendo duo

Issei : so what if I am

Sona : then I'm happy for you cause it's nice to see you smile again :)

Issei : wow Sona I didn't know you cared

issei : well then Sona how about a game chess (smirk)

Sona very well but you know what happens if you win

Issei : we get engaged

Sona : I'm surprised I didn't think you'd know

Issei : rais told me once said that while the only way she could get out of marriage was to beat riser in a rating game while for you you had to be beat in a chess match

Sona : well then let's see how smart you are maybe I'll even join your ever expanding harem

Issei : is that a challenge

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