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Issei : hey chronos wanna go on a run with me

Chronos sure why not let's go

Scene change park

??? : Where am I

??? : I wonder what happened to the others

Chronos : Johnny is that you

Issei : chronos who's this

Chronos: this is a good friend of mine he's called Johnny

Chronos: this is a good friend of mine he's called Johnny

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Johnny: hey chronos who's the person with you

Chronos: this is my boyfriend his names issei

Issei : hello

Johnny : can you please clarify one thing for me why is that the normal humans I can't see us

Issei : they can it's just they keep forgetting

Chronos: how

Issei : do you remember after we watched that one episode of doctor who with the aliens with suits

Chronos : yea but why bring that up

Issei : well that night with the help of red and draig I created a spell that's like show so that anyone in this park that's human see someone from the supernatural or cat army forget after they look away

Chronos : wow that's really useful

Issei : I know right

Issei now greeting serious

Issei : so Johnny tell me are you threat to the cat army and my loved one or are you an ally

Chronos : it's ok he's an ally we have a history

Johnny : I am an ally me chronos : are close friends I switched from the doge army to the cat army about 2/2.5 years ago

Chronos : he's right we have a history

Issei : that's fine then

Issei : welcome to the team

Scene change

Issei : everyone meet are new ally

Aphro : Johnny omg it's so good to see you again

Johnny and aphro share a hug

Sona: who is this

Johnny : hi I'm Johnny as you can see a lizard
I'm also part of the cat army because of reasons I'm not going to get into rn

Johnny : hi I'm Johnny as you can see a lizardI'm also part of the cat army because of reasons I'm not going to get into rn

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High school dxd x battle catsWhere stories live. Discover now