Chapter 4

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Hey my little meatballs!
Yeah im eating a big meatball with my little 4 year old bro, which is weird cause he's wearing a...white...robe...yeah...
Anywho, im like really weird, and im dedicating this chapter to JUST_ABOUT!

Because she's like, really nice and is the first person to actaully leave a coment.
yeah yeah, im a softie for people who do stuff like that.
So, if you want the same, VOTE, COMENT, and whats the other thing....Follow?

And you probably skept that so read on little meatballs.


We just  arrived home and it was about time we did too. I think, Alexander, was getting anxious. Yep, apperently, his name is Alexander.

    Alexander Nicolás Sandoval.

   I went straight to the kitchen, ready to try and steal some cookies.

     The cook wasn't there, and i gladly went to try and reach the cookie jar sitting on top of the fridge. Dont get me wrong, im tall, but it was all the way in the back, they probably knew i couldn't reach it from there.

     I sighed and turned around, hitting Alexander's chest in the prossess.

     "Oh, im sorry, i didn't see-"   he interrupted what i was saying, just to make me want to interrupt what he was gonna say "No, never try to apologize to me, you are to perfect to say those pittyful  words, please it is my fault," he paused, looking me in the eye, making my bite my lip, i always did that when i was nervouse, or anxious.

 he continued after his small pause, " its my fault, so please, punish me with your beautiful hands, i willingly give you my body, please accept it me mistress" he was using his seductive voice again, it was true, he would of made a awesome sex slave. But i didn't feel comfortable enough to let him say that.  I mean, coming from a soon to be queen , i was never really allowed to have a boyfriend, but there were the occasional flirts. So i wasn't a completely nervouse girl around hot guys, or any guys at that.


    "There, is no need of any punishment's, now let me go show you were you'll be sleeping tonight" i ducked him (lol, i misspelled duck for fuck, and yeah) and headed straight towards the stairs , a blush creeping on to my cheeks .


     Dont go thinking i live in a palace, i live in a big house, with 6 rooms, it's not a mansion, but it's big enough for our maid, us , the cook, the butler, and the gardener.

(that makes 7 people living there if you count, and her parents sleep in the same room)

      I opened my room door, making sure he was still behind me, and to no surprise, he still was.

     "Oh, master told me about this part, may i get ready?" he looked at me, his eyes shining.

      "um, yeah do what you want while i take a shower" i grabed my towel and went towards my bathroom, it was inside my room, because frankly, it's not very princess-like to walk around the hall to your room in only a towel.

    I opened the door and went inside, getting the water ready and warm, and started to strip of my clothes.

    I got inside the shower, feeling relaxed as the warm water ran all over my body, i got my shampoo, the coconut smelling one. And i scrubbed it into my scalp, messaging it and rinsing.

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