Chapter 11: Midterms (Part 2)

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Yamagod POV

Today was about to be a glorious day.

Sensei strode into the classroom, glancing around at everyone. These buffoons were all clearly nervous, but for the wrong reason. Simpletons.

"Sensei. We were told that the results would be announced today, but when?"

"There's no need for you to get so worked up, Hirata. You should have passed quite easily."

"So, when will the results be released?"

"Well, if you'd like, now is as good a time as any. If we waited to do it after class, we wouldn't have enough time for other procedures."

Hearing this, several students reacted quite noticeably. Guess they still have a brain in there somewhere.

"What... do you mean by that?"

"Don't get anxious. I'll tell you now."

Saying this, she pulled out a large, white sheet of paper with everyone's names and scores on it and stuck it to the blackboard.

"Honestly, I'm impressed. I didn't think that you'd score so well. Many students tied with perfect scores in mathematics, Japanese, and social studies."

Hearing this, some students jumped up and shouted in delight. Nerds.

"However, there were two that exceeded all others."

"What do you mean Sensei?"


A collective gasp was heard as 37 students rescanned the list, only to find Koenji's and my name at the top. He, with 101 points across the board, and me, with 103. Honestly, I probably should've reigned myself in a bit and left it at 102s, but, I had to assert my dominance as Yamagod, the alpha, the sigma, the chad of ANHS.



"They must've cheated! Right, Sensei?"

"Yeah yeah! Expel them!"

"Shut up, all of you. I can assure you that they did not cheat in any way."

This sudden stab from Sensei caught everyone off guard, shutting them up momentarily.

"As usual, only a perfect existence knows the way. Sensei, if you could hurry this up, please. I'm afraid that breathing the same air as these morons would degrade me even further."

"Hurry what up!? Can't you see that we're all celebrating that we passed?!" Pervert-kun yelled. Poor fool, he has no idea what's in store for him.

"Are you sure about that, Ike-kun? I would double-check your scores to be sure."

Saying this, Pervert-kun glanced over at the results again, confidence brimming out of his ego and nonexistent Excalibur. Seeing this, Sensei took out a red marker and drew a line below his, Miyamoto's, and Hondo's names. All across the board, their scores never went over 30 in any subject.

"Wait... what?"

"How is this possible Sensei?"

"Unfortunately for you three, you have all failed."

"What?! How?!"

In response, she pulled out a piece of chalk and wrote on the blackboard: 84.9 divided by 2 equals 42.45.

"We set a passing grade for each individual class, just as we did for the last test. We calculated that number by dividing the average score by two. That's how we arrived at our answer."


"It was you, wasn't it Yamauchi!? You bastard probably gave us the wrong answers to make us fail on purpose! You were jealous of us, weren't you? Jealous of all the girls that we were getting?!"

"Shut up, you idiots. I merely gave you all the answers to the tests. To think that you would still fail even with the answers being presented to your face. Truly disgusting failures."

Of course, this was a big fricking lie. I asked Kiyotaka-kun to remember the room numbers of all of the students in our year. Then, using my copious amounts of money, I bribed the person who ships supplies to our school to find a master locksmith in the outside world. With that, I was able to make keys to open every single door in the first year's dorms. So, when I made Kushida lure those three out of their stinking rooms, I was able to quickly swap out the test answers. I had to spend 25 minutes digging through piles of toxic boy rubble just to find the papers. Honestly, they might've failed even if I didn't do anything. But, I made sure to leave everything in the same way I found it. That way, if anyone checked, no one would find anything amiss.


With my final jab, they lost everything that was holding them together, turning them into three blubbering messes. No one reached out to them. Everyone just stared down at their desks, unsure, scared. Well, except for Kiyotaka-kun, who looked apathetic as ever, and Koenji, who was busy combing his hair. After they were carted away by some security guards, the classroom became silent. Deathly silent. For them, expulsion was like an empty threat, a monster behind closed gates. They were wary of it, and boarded up the gates, enclosing it behind iron bars. But they never expected the gate to be opened by one of their own. To see those around them being ripped apart, all none the wiser.

Slowly, I'll destroy this class, bit by bit, and build it into my perfect vision. Ayanokouji, Koenji, in this deck, I'm the king and you're the joker. Nothing can stop me.

There's something you should know about me: I have three sides.

The arrogant, cocky side.

The cunning, mischievous side.

And the side you should hope to never see.

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