Arc 2 Chapter 1 (Rewritten): The Cogs in the Shadows

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Yamagod POV

Ahhhhhh. Tea. Such a delicate yet delicious drink. So many ways to make tea and so many flavors. Ahhhhhhh. Tea.


God dammit. Just when I thought I had some free time after taking out some of the garbage in Class D.

"Coming!" I call, dragging myself towards the door.

Opening it, I was greeted with the face of an angel.

"Took you long enough, motherfucker."

Somehow, even for me, it was quite disturbing to hear such vile words be uttered from a face that wore a beaming smile of happiness and beauty.

"What happened now, Kushida?"

Not bothering to respond, she scooted past me and marched into the room, plopping herself onto my bed.

Damn. If she's even defying me, then I guess something pretty serious wiped all her braincells huh?

"Arghhhhhh! So annoying!"


"Just when I thought that we wouldn't have to deal with any more dumbasses, that bitch Sudo just had to mess things up for us!"

"What did he do now?"

"Hmph. Something about getting framed by some Class C students. Supposedly some Class C goons called him out and told him to quit playing basketball while throwing some insults at him here and there. Then, they started a fight with him, but due to Sudo's "overpowering strength and dong size", he beat them up and as a result, they filed a claim against him saying that he assaulted them. The school gave him a week's time to prove himself innocent. Honestly, what a pain."

"Hmmmm. I'm not sure about the legitimacy of the first or second reason as to why he won, but there's definitely more to this."

"What do you mean?"

"You're smart. Figure it out."

Silence ensued as Kushida's mind worked to come up with an answer. She wasn't dumb by any means, I was just too smart.

"The Class C kids did it on purpose?"

"Most likely. I don't see another plausible reason as to why they would go out of their way to pick a fight with someone from Class D. Plus, when you take into account the person they targeted, it makes it even clearer."

"His hotted-headed personality, huh."

"Exactly. They most likely chose Sudo because he would be the easiest to aggravate and drag into a fight. Tell me a little about the students whom he beat up."

Taking a deep breath, she started.

"Well, there isn't much to be said about Komiya and Kondo. They're both a part of the basketball club so Sudo's reasoning was that they were jealous of his skills. But the third person, Ishizaki Daichi, doesn't have any affiliations with the basketball club. From what I've heard, he was a delinquent back in junior high."

"Interesting. Unless one of them is purposefully hiding their talent, I doubt any of them could've come up with a scheme like this. But first, I will have to investigate the scene of the incident. Do you know where it is?"

"Yeah, it happened in the special building...."


After sending off a much calmer Kushida, I made a few more calls. The first person picked up promptly, right after the 2nd ring.

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