The rest of the week went along uneventfully. You continued to go to Jin's cafe regularly in the morning and during your breaks. You didn't order coffee at lunch time anymore and, in exchange, he didn't charge the extra size of your cup in the morning. This was your new deal. It's quite funny to think about the new dynamic between you and Jin in the past few days.

You've been going to his coffee shop for a while now. You would usually order and leave, or you would sit at the back, revising notes or finishing an essay while he and the other employees were organizing and cleaning in the early hours.

The change started with friendly smiles and the occasional "Have a good day!". But now, you had conversations, about your classes, his day, your very concerning addiction, to Jin at least. You could almost call him a friend. That thought put a smile on your face.

"So... have you thought about tomorrow?" Kia asked while taking a sip of her iced coffee.

It was early morning and, again, you were the first customers. You didn't sit at the back anymore. Your regular seats changed to the stools by the counter. It was easier to talk to Jin this way.

"What's saturday?" You asked, pretending to be clueless.

"Really?" Kia was not amused. You gave a little chuckle at the facial expression on her face.

"Yes, I thought about it." She looked at you with both hands holding her face, expectant of your answer.

Jin approached the counter, putting the large coffee mug in front of you. You grabbed your drink with enthusiasm and took a sip immediately, only to hiss as you burned your tongue. Jin just sighed, nodding his head disapprovingly.

"Are you guys going?" Jin asked.

You looked up at him and then at Kia, giving a small smile.

"Kia is probably going to, I am not" You said, taking another sip of your drink, blowing on it a little first this time.

Jin raised both of his eyebrows, while Kia just grunted throwing her upper body on top of the counter.

"Noooo, why are you doing this?" Kia whined like a three year old.

"You know why." You gave her a knowing look "In fact you knew my answer the day we talked about this..."


"No buts, this is final Kia, I don't have the time for parties"

"Well this is disappointing..." You looked up at Jin as he spoke.

"Jimin was really expecting you to come" he explained with a little smile "I kind of was hoping as well." he said looking down and rubbing an unexisting stain at the counter.

You just stared at him confused, missing the knowing smirk on Kia's face.

"Don't worry Jin, I'll change her mind."


The day went by quite quickly, Fridays were usually busy days for you. After your classes and your shift at the restaurant, you would have to go back to the university for the research program.

There were days you would be so tired that all you wanted to do was ditch it. But it was this exact program that offered you your scholarship, so it was actually the thing you worked the hardest for.

There was you and this other girl who were students with paid scholarships, the others were all volunteers to your mentor. The volunteers were all a pain in the ass, leaving all the hard work for you both. Well, except one, Jinyoung. He was the closest thing you have for a friend besides Kia... and Jin now.. He would actually be interested in what the group were developing and put actual effort in it as well. You would talk sometimes about the project, even going to a dinner near campus once with the other scholarship student.

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