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"I'm sorry about Lisa." Rosie raised her head and looked at Jennie, just as she finished her last bite of pancake. "She was kidding."

"She sounded serious to me. She made me pinkie promise."

Rosie closed her eyes. Way to go Lisa. Thanks for being the very definition of chill.

"Did she say what she'd do if you did?" Rosie took a sip from her coffee. Jennie seemed to wait for her to continue. "Break my heart, I mean."

Jennie laughed, the sound light and bright. "I didn't ask."

The simple way Jennie answered and laughed, as if that outcome is highly unlikely, put a stupid smile on Rosie's face.

Jennie motioned Rosie to give her her plate and made her way to the sink, stacking the plates neatly. ".We actually had a good conversation. Lisa's funny when she's not threatening me."

"I'll do the dishes later. Come here." Rosie reached for Jennie's, or her hoodie rather, tugging it.

Jennie gave her a small laugh then sit on the stool on the kitchen bar, right across from her.

"What good conversation?"

"I'm sorry?" Jennie tilted her head.

Rosie laughed. She's so cute. "I mean what good conversation was it that you had with Lisa."

"Oh nothing. Just some random stuff."

Rosie raised her brows.


"Of course." Rosie grinned.

Jennie gave her a playful eye roll.

"and photography. "

"Oh. You like photography too?"

Jennie shrugged. " I mean, yeah, i guess. As I've mentioned before, My mom is a photographer , so I think it's not unusual I have the same interest on it."

"It's not." Rosie assured her, reaching for her hand, flipping it, and caressing her palm.

Jennie closed her eyes and hummed in approval.

"I think it's great actually. Do you have like a portfolio or something?" Rosie continued her caress, now also using her other hand.

Jennie shook her head, eyes still closed. "No. I don't have one. It's more of like a hobby for me."

Rosie nodded. Realizing Jennie didn't see her, with her eyes closed still, Rosie probed.

"But you have like a collection of pictures right?"

"Yeah. I guess you could say that. But they're randomly saved."

Rosie stopped her caress. "Can I see them?"

Jennie opened her eyes and gave her a heartwarming smile. She almost melted. "Ofcourse. But like I said, they're randomly saved. I don't know where most of them are."

"I see."

"Oh wait!" Rosie stood up excitedly and went to Jennie.

"What if you create an account on instagram? For your photos!! You can organize them! And you will no longer worry if you may have lost them or what. That way you can share it with others too..."

Rosie is rambling pacing back and forth Jennie's head almost spun.

"Wait, Rosie, wait." She grabbed Rosie's arm.

Rosie stopped. "Oh, god. I was rambling. I'm sorry I got too excited.

Jennie reached for her arm. "No it's okay. It's cute."

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