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Jennie was walking along the busy streets of Seoul, lost in her own thought. All she can hear are the honks from the busy cars along the street.

Huh. Since when did it get so dark?

Her steps halted when she saw the coffee shop Rosie and her frequent.

She heard a dangling of bells, a cue that someone opened the door. Rushing outside with a cup of coffee in her hand was a tall, gorgeous woman with luscious blonde hair.


She watched Rosie move across the congested streets away from where she is while she stood there motionless.

Oh how she missed her. She longed for her. How many days has it been? How foolish of Jennie to think that she'd survive without Rosie.

Panic interrupted her daydream when she realized Rosie had gone too far. Rosie will be out of her sight in few more steps. She snapped back to reality and rushed towards Rosie.

"Rosie." She breathed out. She doesn't appear to have been heard by the blonde.

"Rosiee." She called out louder.

Rosie froze in her place, her hands in the middle of tightening her scarf.

Once more, snow fell.

Jennie would have railed about the weather on any other day, but she was distracted with the blonde who was facing away from her, standing motionless.

Rosie slowly turned, giving her a pained look, before she caught herself and masked her expression with that of indifference.

Rosie looked at Jennie directly in the eye.

Jennie stiffened. Her heart raced, her mouth trembling from the cold or nervousness. Jennie doesn't know. She doesn't have time to think about it when all she feels is a pang in her heart when the eyes she loved are rid of their usual warmth. They were devoid of anything. It sent shivers down her spine, and not in a good way.

"Rosie," Jennie pleaded. She doesn't know what it is she's pleading for, but she feels the need for it.

Rosie is slipping away.

Jennie took a step forward but stopped midway when Rosie raised her hand.

"Stop. I have nothing to say to you, Jennie. " Rosie glared at her as she turned to walk away.

When Jennie held her wrist, both of them flinched. The familiar spark that appears whenever they touch is still there. This gives Jennie hope.

Jennie pleaded, "Rosie..please."

Rosie swatted her arm away, shocking both of them. "I'm sorry. I—" Rosie shook her head and sighed. "I have nothing else to say to you, Jen. We aren't anything, right? I ruined your perfect plan, right? What more do you want from me? I'm finally out of your hair. Now stop bothering me."

"No. Rosie, please let me explain. I didn't mean that. I was stupid. I hurt you. I—"

"I don't want to hear it. If you really want my apology, then I will accept your apology. There. Now please get out of my sight. I hope this is the last time I see you."

Jennie wanted to say something but nothing came out of her mouth.

"Goodbye, Jen," Rosie said as she turned around.

She started walking away.

Snow continued to fall as Jennie remained frozen in her spot. Rosie. Her vision blurred as she watched Rosie, her Rosie, walk away from her.

This time, it's for good.



She can't let her get away without putting up a fight. Without saying how she feels.

She ran fast, not minding the looks other people gave her because she was literally crying her heart out while she ran for her. Her Rosie.

She can't lose her. She can't lose her for real.

Jennie spotted Rosie as she was about to cross the pedestrian lane.

She yelled, "Rosie," as she took off running, but Rosie had her headphones in.

Jennie almost stumbled when she saw Rosie's face. She was crying.

The aching in Jennie's chest increased.

Rosie was walking mindlessly. She didn't see the car running a red light at the corner, speeding down the street towards her.

But Jennie saw it. She saw the headlights' beam as snow flurried above them.

Jennie ran faster, but she felt like her legs had become lead. She saw everything as if time had slowed down.

No. Please. No. She couldn't lose Rosie, definitely not this way. This was one thing that would definitely ruin her. Not Rosie, please.


As if sensing her, Rosie turned. Rosie's tear-stricken face turned into a shock of horror when she saw the speeding car coming her way and Jennie rushing towards her.

It seems as though she already knew what would happen and couldn't escape. Rosie slid her eyes shut briefly. When she opened it again, she smiled at Jennie. That dumb smile that always makes Jennie's heart melt.

Rosie stared into her eyes that engulfed Jennie with warmth in this freezing weather.

Rosie mouthed, "I love you."

Jennie's breath caught up in her throat.

The car hit.


Dropping to her knees, Jennie rolled Rosie's body and let out a strangled cry. She didn't hear the grasp of horror and panic of the people around them.

Jennie stared into Rosie's slack features. "You won't die." She said it sternly, like it's an order.

You won't die.

With trembling hands, she shifted bloodied blonde hair away from Rosie's temple to look at her battered face.

You won't die.

"Don't die." Jennie gasped. A plea. "Please don't die." Her voice wobbled before trying to think of what to do.

Chest compression. She knew this. Okay. Rosie needs her.

Closing one flattened hand over the other, Jennie placed it on top of Rosie's chest and began.

"Don't die," Jennie said     under her breath with each compression. After counting to ten, Jennie leaned forward and placed her lips on Rosie's, blowing air into her mouth.

A tear slid down the corner of Rosie's eyes and that did it. Jennie's heart clenched.

"Damn it, don't die! You won't. Don't leave me. Oh, God. I love you. You can't leave me."

"Please, Rosie. Don't leave me." Jennie sobbed with Rosie in her embrace.

"No. No. No."



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