Chapter 16

1.7K 54 5

{Universe Found}

{Isekai complete}


{Due to the current timeline of your universe, Your going to be sent back 685 years from canon}

I woke up this time in a forest in the middle of nowhere...'system what's my location'.

{Common day greed island}

Well, what a nice view, after scouting the island for a couple of seconds, I saw no signs of civilization an no signs of this Island ever being visited for the past 400 years. hmm ... theirs no report of this island until Ging Freecss, so planting a seed here will be no problem. I found the middle of the island an decide to plant the seed there.

Right when I decided to go by home I faced a bunch of [ERROR] messages, 'System what is going on?'

{Kusho, You were prompted to do a mission before you can return home.}

[New current available missions]

Set a foundation in this dimension:

Reward: 1 clan building, 3 free clan Gacha ticket, 2 free Gacha ticket.

[Current available missions]

Kill four Ōtsutsuki:

Reward:+25 Kunai, +25 Fūma shuriken, 1 free clan Gacha ticket, 3 free Gacha ticket.

{During this time Metal, steel an Crystal release will be temporarily locked}

So your really stopping me, from using my own money to make a profit. I really want bro curse the system out, but I fear it will retaliate against me. 'Sigh' it's whatever though, I still have cash on me. I started making my way to the republic of Padokea, right now city looks more like an urban town. I guess this is the best place to start, I bought a building to start setting up shop. The name for my shop is "Mercenary One Stop Shop (MOSS)". In the backyard of the shop I set up a farm for herbs. Even a blacksmithing area in the back, I bought most of my material either from auctions or when I had a clone to discover a cave.

I set up shop selling some of my shurikens, kunais, scythes, Healing ointment, medicine, Oni masks, animal masks and swords. For the next five months, I made a profit off theses lowlifes with the weapons I sold . Most of these weapons gained fame because of their quality. I sold my Basic Katana I got from the gacha now people acts like it's a weapon made by the gods.

So far a month has past, an for some reason my The katana I sold for 1006144.96 yen (7000 Universal currency), went into the black market to be sold three times the price; for some reason I felt cheated. The person who bought the sword was the current heir to the zoldyck family. The worst part I couldn't use this opportunity to draw close to the zoldyck. I started to raise the price of my products to keep up with demand. My medical garden is doing great, Everything is above average due to my Sage Techniques, a wood release. Slowly started to expanding my shop, adding one on each continent. During this time Yomotsu Hirasaka level up, a lot. I also bought many mines to dig for ore , this is when I had to hire actual workers. For the past six months me an my blood clones have been running the shop. Since I might not stay in this universe long I started hiring young adults who are trainable to work in my shop.

Now It hasn't always been easy keeping my shops intact. There have been bandits an thieves looking to rob my stores. But after I dispatched them an destroyed whatever type of base they have, New got out the Moss store wasn't a place to offend anymore. Two days ago I faced a Zoldyck family member sent by politician to get a hold of my business secrets and kill me. I severed his arm, attached it back in less than fifteen seconds. I didn't even have to use kekkei-genkai to deal with him. I told him the next time his family ever attacks me, I will wipeout their bloodline.

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