| Prologue |

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He looked at me longingly with a soul-piercing, fiery gaze I had never seen before

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He looked at me longingly with a soul-piercing, fiery gaze I had never seen before. Something long-buried within me churned; I felt myself getting flushed, and for a moment I thought I might actually faint. Keep it together, Lucy.

I tried my best to say something to him as he walked toward me, but no sound came out when I opened my mouth to speak. What is happening to me right now? I felt my knees weaken and my heart fluttered hard in my chest. Whatever his intentions, at that moment he didn't need to speak to make them clear. I recalled our last talk, those words he had uttered to me about how he felt... and suddenly, talking was no longer necessary.

In an instant, this man that I had known for years, but in that moment, I would have mistaken for a complete stranger—had me pressed up against the stacks behind me, effectively pinning my body with his, knocking a few books over in the process. He was clearly unbothered, his eyes focused only on mine; the sudden noise of falling books had no effect on his six-foot-three figure towering over my petite five-foot-two frame. I cannot believe this is happening. Fuck. Me.

He looked me up and down slowly, drinking my figure in, growling softly, running his strong and weathered hands gingerly down my arms before grabbing me squarely by the hips. His soft, plump lips parted, and I found myself wondering what he might taste like—and, despite my internal screaming and better intentions, I hoped I wouldn't have to wait long to find out. Fuck.

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