A Rescue Mission

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It was a normal morning.

You had woken up early to get started with your day, getting ready with your usual breakfast food and hot beverage. Flicking through your phone aimlessly while you munched away.Nothing was out of place.

Until your phone lit up with an unknown number. Once, you would have ignored it and possibly blocked it. But nowadays, an unknown number filled you with excitement. And you eagerly pressed the green button and pressed the phone to your ear.
"Wesker, it's been month-"

"Are you home?" The harsh tone cut you off before you could finish your sentence. Your smile fell from your lips and you immediately felt your heartbeat pound in your ears.

"I am. Why?" You asked, half getting up from your seat.

"Lock the doors and hide. Your area has been contaminated with a T-Virus strain." Behind his coarse voice you heard the sounds of sirens and people yelling. You didn't ask where he was, but ran to your front door and immediately ensured it was securely locked. Any window that you found uncovered was closed and locked.

"Do you know how much it has spread?" You asked. You weren't an operative like Wesker, you had nothing to do with Umbrella or its pharmaceuticals. But you knew about the outbreaks, the cities and towns, the B.O.Ws that had been destroyed and brushed under a rug. It wasn't that Wesker told you everything, but Umbrella's mistakes were a common thing. The public knew about the weird monsters and strange disappearances. It was just safer for everyone to shut up about it.

"Just don't go outside." Was Wesker's only reply. You tried to breathe a calming breath, and you realized you were shaking. You peered through a curtain, looking out onto the street. There was a person walking their dog and some kids riding by on their bikes.
The sun was shining and you couldn't see a single streak of smoke on the horizon.
Was this how it always started?
Quietly? Subtly?

"I-Is it actually in my neighborhood or closer to the city?" You asked. If you knew how far away it was, you could possibly have time to better secure yourself in your house. Put furniture up against the doors and pick a better hiding spot than under the bed.

"We lost contact with our operatives transferring a sample three blocks away from your house." Wesker told you. You heard the sound of a car engine roaring to life and the sound of someone barking orders. "I'm coming to get you, do not leave your house."

You were about to say something when the line disconnected. You looked down at your phone and saw your service had died.
"Fucking Umbrella," You spat angrily.

Wesker had run you down what happens during an outbreak.
'To prepare you for a likely situation' Wesker had told you when you asked why he was giving away such important information.

Services were always the first to go. To stop the panic from spreading by people calling others to come get them and warn them of what was happening. It was better to keep as much of the hysteria contained as possible.
Clean up teams were sent out soon after. To capture or eliminate any samples they came across and to destroy evidence that would lead to Umbrella's cooperation to the "accident". Survivors were rounded up and sent to encampments for treatment. Or eliminated if they were exposed to the virus.
If the virus spread too much or mutated in a way that could not be contained, the area was destroyed. Other than that, you knew nothing else about Umbrella's operations when it came to outbreaks. You read articles on the internet and saw papers about it. But the public didn't really know what was going on.
You just had an early warning system if something was going to shit near you.
The morning ticked on painfully slow. You huddled in your bedroom, readying to dive under your bed the moment you heard anything that wasn't Wesker beating down the door.
And then, some time after your last call with Wesker, you heard it.

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