RNMR #90

103 2 0

Pearl: ☠️ (Hey Reaper)

Flame-Eye: 🤦 🐔❌🛣❓ (Why did the chicken cross the road?)

Purple Reaper: To get to the other side?

Pearl: ☠️ 💉 🗣, '☠️💀 🚫 🤔' (You were supposed to say 'I dunno, why?')

Purple Reaper: You have got to be kidding me..fine why did it cross the road?

Flame-Eye: 🐔❌🛣 ➡️ 🤪🏡 (To get to the idiot's house)

Purple Reaper: Okay..?

Pearl: ☠️, ✊✊ (Hey Reaper, knock knock)

Purple Reaper: No.

Pearl: ☠️ 💉 🗣, '❓ ✊ 🏡❓'(You were supposed to say 'Who's there?')

Purple Reaper: God, let's get this over with...Who's there?

Pearl: 🐔 (The chicken)

Purple Reaper:



Purple Reaper: Listen here you little shits-

RNMR #690

- Yeet Note -

Longest thing I've made with emojis

💉 translation

❌🛣 translation
Cross the road

🤦 translation

(Changed Purple Reaper's name in Enderish to 🟣☠️. Reaper will just be ☠️)

I'll see if I'll make that Enderish Book tmr

BTW Ten Duel Commandments has reached 44 seconds out of 90I did cut off like half of the actual commandments from the song but to be fair I had no clue how to do some of the parts

But the thing it's going better than I though tbh

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