RNMR #198

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*My Rainimator AU*

*Arabella teaching Rain how to successfully perform a Necromancy Spell*

Arabella *Handing Rain a Necromancy Scroll* :  ➡️📜🟰> 🔋🔋🔋. You'll be messing with forces you don't fully understand. (This is a very powerful spell)

Rain: 🔉 ➡️ ⚠️ ➡️ 🌧 (Sounds like a dare to me)

Arabella: ✝️👑- (Oh god-)

Purple Reaper: 🟣☠️ 🗣 👩‍🏫 🌧 🧟📜 🟰 👎 💡 (I told you this was a bad idea)

RNMR #798

- Yeet Note -

TranslationsSsSsSsSsSsSs and what they actually translate to

➡️ - Means anything & everything literally

📜 - Scroll
🟰 - Equal/Is(?) (Idk it seemed to fit with le thing)
> - More
🔋 - Battery/Power
➡️📜🟰> 🔋🔋🔋 - This scroll equal more than power (Sounds like a quote from a movie or smth)

🔉 - Sound
➡️ - Means anything & everything literally
⚠️ - Danger/Dare (Dare in this case cuz dares r dangerous sometimes)\
🌧 - Rain/Rain (Yes. Name and weather)
🔉 ➡️ ⚠️ ➡️ 🌧 - Sound like danger/dare to Rain

✝️ - Cross/Christianity(?)/Holy(?)

👑 - Crown/King/Queen/Royalty/God (Idk)
✝️👑 - Holy God (Idk)

🟣☠️ - Purple Reaper
🗣 - Said/Speak
👩‍🏫 - Teach/Teacher

🧟 - Zombie/Undead
📜 - Scroll/Spell/Ancient(?)
👎 💡 - Bad idea
🟣☠️ 🗣 👩‍🏫 🌧 🧟📜 🟰 👎 💡 - Purple Reaper said teaching Rain zombie spell is bad idea (Makes no sense lmao)


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