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I watched Kit as I got the drinks. I couldn't help but be drawn to this guy. Even though I knew he had no eyes for me and was still trying to get over Ming.

I just sighed softly, took my drinks and went back to the table. I caught him chatting animatedly with Pha and Lam. Park and Wai joined us. This newly minted couple have also been driving me nuts with their display of affection. I just rolled my eyes.

Just then, the same juniors that had hassled Kit the last time walked past our table.

"Hello P Forth. You are here with the gang? Oh, P Kit?! You are here too?? You weren't kidding the other day, huh?"

I watched as Kit turned to them, his face furrowing in confusion at first then he recognised them. His face paled. I then realized prolly Beam and Ming didn't know he had an ulterior motive for transferring. Prolly Pha too. I quickly stood up, ushering them away for drinks on me.

I turned to glance at Kit who looked at me gratefully as I brought them away. I watched as Kit was answering Pha on something. The juniors wanted to drink and kept piling me with drinks too. I finally stumbled back to the table, about 2 hours later, really horribly drunk.

Since I had rode here, Lam took my bike instead. I decided to take a cab home. I stumbled out uncertainly and almost tripped and fell but someone held me. I looked up to see Kit holding me tight, his face looking pissed.

He held onto me tightly as we waited for a cab. I heard him mumble something. I just scooted down a bit more to lean on his shoulders and I slept the whole ride through.

I was woken up sometime later and dragged out! I stumbled around in a straight line and finally got to the room. I did look around and felt my room looked different but maybe it was my drunken haze. I just stripped off my shirt and pants and laid down to sleep on the floor as it was cold and nice to the touch. I was being forced but I shook it off and just slept.

I woke up hours later, and found myself on the floor with a blanket. I tried to sit up slowly and got a shock! I found Kit on the floor, his back against the bed and sleeping. I sat up and looked around properly and realized that it wasn't my room.

Fuck. Was it his? And oh fuck. I lifted the blanket to see I was just in my boxers. Oh fuck. So screwed.

TIll We Unite (ForthxKit) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now