Are u a doctor?

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As yn agreed to live in doctor's dorm bt ne question arise in her mind and she immediately asked it from jimin .

Yn      : Is it possible fr a fresher to stay in doctor's dorm?
Jimin : it is , for doctor's wife.
yn      : Are u a doctor or I'm married to someone else?
jimin : Hi , This is DOCTOR PARK JIMIN .
            (He showed his doctor I'd as a proof, Which says he is doctor professor in
yn     :( in mind ) did he knew that I'm fresher in his department.
jimin : Are u done daydreaming ? Wifey let's go home .
yn     : .... But my clothes?
jimin : your mom handed me some of them yesterday.

At this time yn was only thinking that does jimin know that she is a student of gynaec department.  She thought it would be better if he don't.

She entered in the doctor's dorm with jimin and it looked cozy.
She was so nervous that she hold Jimin's hand .
Jimin noticed that and said : I don't eat humans don't worry.
Yn noticed that and left his hand immediately.

jimin : welcome to my dorm yn

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jimin : welcome to my dorm yn .
yn     : ......
Jimin: There is only one bedroom. what do u want to say ?
yn     : ............ what do u want to hear ?

They went towards bedroom .
Yn was relieved to see bunked bed .

jimin: I have occupied the lower one choose whether u want to stay with me or ...

yn   :  I'll take the upper one.
jimin: would you like to eat something?
Yn     : ....... mmmmm
jimin: ok, go freshen up I'll make something .
yn     :ok.

They both had there dinner quietly. 
They did talk but very less.
Jimin give yn the password of the dorm

Jimin: yn , just feel free too live here and focus on your studies.  I'm barely at doorm
             due to duties.

Yn and jimin were both living peacefully in one room. Jimin hardly get time to live in dorm , they both use to eat in the hospital canteen with their fellows .
Everything was good until....

The classes oof GYNECOLOGY started....

A slim fair man with books in formal attire made entry in the classroom.

Professor: annyeonghaseyo students, I'm professor PARK JIMIN

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Professor: annyeonghaseyo students, I'm professor PARK JIMIN .

Yn was shocked,  and was about to slip from her seat.
Literally nobody knew that a pair of couple was playing hide in seek in the
The classroom was packed with 200 students and yn choosed the last row to sit.

To be continued......

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