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Never had she ever felt so uncomfortable to the point that she had to hold it in, she knew that this man's not a bad guy at all but is it really necessary to stare at her so instense? The class already started fifteen minutes ago and all she could focus on is the presence of those eyes being lock into her, as a distraction she just scribble every word that she sees in front of her. The woman who she now met who was also a noble but she wasn't sure if she was also 'human' well that is.

The first class ended so quickly for the others but for her it felt like hours, because all she could feel and focus on is none other than the male blonde's glare, Euraki simply put her things back to her bag and just  sit there to wait for their next teacher. A nudge from her side as she turns her head to her suppose to be sit-mate she presume. The small smile in the lady's lips is the answer she already knew.

"My lady.." she just sigh, a hint of embarrassment throughout her own instinct as what will the lady is gonna say.

"As I have said that human council member is interested in you be careful" she says once again as an amuse tone was being set through her words.

This strikes her, from the word human once again, now that she thinks about it everybody had the dorm of a human but you could see a trace of none-humans based on their half appearance, but what is more interesting to know is that, that blonde man was a called human as what her sit-mate says knowing more about this University will help her find out who she really was.

Asking the lady Wyendeirbeg as what sort of, no. What kind of world is this? As far as she knows this is the world where many mythical creatures lives and study their life in this one created world that is meant by them to live on. Meta-Humans. These humans are known to have the slightest ability inside of their body since they were born, that ability is called “Mana Expansion” a type of energy that forms into a human body once they reach the level of “Increation” - an example of, feeling the outer space an inner space being crash to one another.

That is also why explains few human can go inside and outside of the University, because they have enough momentum and strength to pass into the portal through here. This also explains why she was accepted here, and now she knew, it is because she had the so-called “mana expansion” in her body but it is confusing at the same time. Because if you have the natural mana energy in your body then why can't she know her own ability or power? Which also a question that runs into her mind as soon as she heard this explanation.

While on the other hand, Mythical Creatures are being born as who they are right now, there are many different types of them in this academy, Meta-Humans cannot surpassed them due to the natural born power since birth but also they have their own kind and race– an example, their teacher from before the mythical fox who had nine tails in her back, explains that her ability is fog mist which is a type of power that can hypnotized someone if you step around her trap.

Another example it those so-called parasites, the population of their kinds in this academy is around 34.5% they can imitate a human form but they cannot copy abilities, one thing about it is that they all have different types of levels which starting from the lowest who likes to devour the Meta-Humans as their snacks, which seems to be the one who almost attack her yesterday, middle-class had the same power as the Meta-Humans, these type of parasites level are somehow the annoying one to deal with, while the rarest parasites levels are the highest, they were more powerful than the Meta's but one thing is they cannot surpassed mythical creatures.

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