6. New vampire in Mystic Falls.

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"WHAT ARE YOU?" Elena breathed out as Stefan stared at her, his face dimly lit in from the lights inside. "What are you?"

"You know," he answered, heartbroken that he wasn't the one to to tell her such news.

"No, I don't," Elena shook her head in denial. It was too hard to believe in something like vampires, but she had to know the truth.

"Yes, you do, or you wouldn't be here," he told her as he watched her eyes build up with tears. The ones that hurt his heart to see.

Elena shook her head in shock. "It's not possible. It can't be," she said angrily.

"Everything you know...," he started and Elena widened her eyes. "And every belief that you have is about to change. Are you ready for that?" he asked, knowing that Holden would have told Stefan that it was the right thing to do.

"What are you?"

Stefan hesitated as he stared at her sadly before answering something he was hiding for over a decade. "I'm a vampire," he finally admitted and she breathed in.

"I shouldn't have come," she shook her head and started to back away.

Stefan tried to catch her arm. "No. Please," he said but she started to run away from fear, but Stefan being fast appeared in front of her.

Elena gasped in shock as she saw him standing in front of her. "No. No," she raised her voice with terrified face. "How did you do that?"

"Please don't be afraid of me," he said pleadingly, holding her arms.

"Let me go," she sneered, trying to free herself.

"No. Elena, there's things that you have to know and understand," Stefan said seriously still holding her.

Elena wasn't listening. "Let me go!" she finally pushed him away and started to run towards her car.

"Elena, please."

Stefan watched her quickly get into her car and drive away. He sighed to himself sadly, knowing that he lost her.

DANIEL GROANED AND FINALLY WOKE UP. He turned his head to a side and saw Zachary's dead body. "No," he said and rushed to him to see that he wasn't responding. "Zach," Daniel hissed moving his chin, then clenched his jaw and stood up. It was dark outside, so he knew Damon was free, probably killing people.

He grabbed his phone and dialed Stefan's number. "Hello," the younger brother answered, sadness laced in his tone as he stood outside of Elena's house, guarding her family.

"Zach is dead," Daniel sneered, moving upstairs with a furious face to where Stefan was.

"I know," Stefan whispered with glassy eyes.

"Where are you, Stefan?!" Daniel shouted angrily as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed two blood bags.

There was a slight pause from the other end. "Elena knows," he answered and Daniel paused with a realized face. "She found out about us... And she wants to know everything."

Daniel thought about her reaction, which was probably denial and shock, because who wouldn't react in such way if they found out vampires exist. Daniel reacted in the same way. "Where the hell is Damon?" he asked then.

"Where do you think he is? He just called me, threatening to kill Elena if we don't find his ring, which Zach hid," Stefan informed with a calm voice causing Daniel to roll his eyes.

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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