Vasco x Daniel - 'Useless Matchmakers'

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Vasco likes chocolate milk, that is obvious.

Vasco also likes Daniel Park, that is also obvious.

Jace can't blame his childhood friend that the person he fell for was none other than the big talk and gossip of J High, the transfer student Daniel Park himself.

Daniel was... pretty, Jace could agree with that.

It is true, that Vasco never got along with people who have handsome appearances. He had prejudiced thoughts about them from the traumatic past he has experienced. So it was quite a surprise for Jace to find out that his best friend's overfriendliness and clinginess towards Daniel Park was him forming a crush on the boy.

At first, Vasco didn't get along with Daniel when he first transferred. Jace remembers it crystal clear how his friend almost started a fight with the guy in the cafeteria and then actually did fight outside the school and lost.

To be completely honest, Jace despised Daniel for it. Just like Vasco, he had formed a bad image of the transfer student. But despite his first impression of the guy, Jace found out after some weeks... well months that he was genuinely a pure-hearted person, who was easy to get along with and was nice to be in the presence with.

Jace doesn't know the actual date from when Vasco developed a crush on Daniel, but he was sure it was around when the school festival ended.

What happened? He doesn't know. But after that, Vasco had started bringing up the J High's pretty boy in daily conversation with Jace and had started gifting the boy chocolate milk in the school cafeteria every day.

This was the first time Vasco had ever taken an interest in someone romantically as far as Jace remembers. And Jace felt happy for him... he genuinely did. And he would continue being happy if Vasco wasn't oblivious to his own feelings!

For sakes! most of the people associated with Vasco know about his crush!

So that's why Jace's eyes automatically twitch in irritation when Vasco, once again, gives Daniel chocolate milk in the cafeteria. This whole ordeal became a routine between those two, Jace, and the rest of the burn knuckle members too. The Burn knuckles follow Vasco almost everywhere and they witness the show their leader performs; A poor attempt at a mating dance, without him realizing it himself.

And Jace is annoyed, not because he was jealous, heavens above no! But because it was suffocating seeing his childhood best friend woo an angel send down from heaven.

Vasco gives Daniel his chocolate milk and avoids the pretty boy's gaze when he thanks and smiles one of those closed-eyes smiles at him. blushing. Blushing!

And the problem does not end there...

Yes, Vasco likes Daniel, and the big doofus doesn't realize it... But neither does the transfer student!

Jace's nerves play patient pretend while watching how none of them see the apparent heart Vasco is wearing on his sleeve.

Jace might not know Daniel personally too much either but what he knows about the guy makes it obvious that he genuinely likes when Vasco is in his presence and when he gives him such attention.

And that's more annoying!

Why won't they just date so they can save Jace from experiencing secondhand embarrassment every time they are around each other?!

"Thanks, Vasco." Jace snaps out of his thought at the soft voice.

"You always spoil me with these every morning."

Jace notes how Vasco's cheeks flush and so does the rest of the burn knuckles. A groan passes through the crowd and Jace glares in that direction which not only shuts the culprit up but also freezes the rest of the members in their place.

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