Chapter 4 : Mutual Feelings

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After that confession barrow started being more direct towards rok soo

He'd always tell him how much he loves him, he'd go and give him luxurious gifts, he even made sure to follow whatever rok soo said or want

Rok soo who was flustered by all of this felt something he hadn't felt before

At first he just thought it was just because barrow was the first person he saw when he came in this world and was the only person that helped him
(rok soo is in denial 🤧)

But he noticed how he treats barrow differently compared to how he treated his teammates in the past including his hyungs

He showed more of his emotions to barrow, he treated him more fondly

And most importantly he felt this irritating feelings whenever he saw barrow talking to other woman or getting close with other men

But he just shrugged it off and thought it must be because barrow is his 'dear friend' that's why he is feeling that way (keep fooling yourself 😀)

But when barrow confessed to him he felt so happy to the point he blank out and wasn't able to reply to the man properly

So after that day he sorted his feelings or what he thought as friendship is out and was finally able to get an answer

At first he was in denial because he never felt this way before for anyone else and only read about this tingling sensation on books that he read in the past

And right now rok soo is walking at the forest getting his shit together because he can't stop thinking of that kiss that he received from barrow

Rok soo touched his lips after remembering that and flushed, he still can't stop thinking of the sensation and how soft barrow lips was

His mind blank out again and imagined barrow underneath him panting with a swollen lips and faced flush

Rok soo snapped out of his thoughts once again faced flushed

"fck why am i imagining such things "

"what thing"

Rok soo flinched when he heard the familiar alluring voice and then turned around to see the others beautiful face

"... Nothing"

Barrow just let him be since he doesn't think rok soo will tell him anything anyways



"are you sure... With your feelings for me... I mean i have a lot of flaws, you don't even know where i came from... You don't even know whether I'm a good person..."

Barrow just listened to rok soo and just let him finish first

"what if i just suddenly disappeared... What if i leave.... What if i hurt you"

Rok soo... He was afraid... Afraid of loosing someone he cared for ever again... He was afraid of hurting the people he care about

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