Chapter Twelve

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Stiles waits for the unforgettable feeling of being pulled away, but it never comes. Stiles opens his eyes to look around to see that the land still looks the same, the trees are still thickly covering the land, and he slaps his hand against the monument. "No, no, no. Come on!" Stiles screams, slapping his hand against it. He needs to go back, he needs to go home. "Please." Stiles begs, tears starting to fall down his face.

Stiles doesn't know why he's crying so hard. It might be because he wants to go home, or maybe it's because he's so relieved deep inside that he's still here. That he's still with Derek. Stiles slides down to the ground as he punches the fist at the solid stone, not even wincing at the pain it brings him, and he sighs as he leans against it. "Please." Stiles says, not even sure what he's asking for.

The monument doesn't take him back, it doesn't do anything. It doesn't make his tattoos tingle or anything, and he sighs to himself. Derek probably knows that he's gone by know. He might even be looking for him now, and when he finds him Stiles will have to tell him the truth. He has no idea why it won't work, it brought him here why he won't he go home, and he leans against it as his knuckles bleed.

Stiles thinks about Scott and his pack, if they miss him. He's been here a little over a month, so he wonders if time is the same where Scott is. He cannot ignore the voice in the back of his mind saying how glad he is that he didn't go back. Stiles doesn't want to leave Derek, as much as he wants to ignore that part of his mind that wants to stay with Derek. He can't stay here with Derek, he can't. Stiles doesn't belong here.

But he does belong here, Stiles thinks. He does belong here, with Derek and with his pack. Derek has always made him feel like he was home, and he found that he missed Derek now. Stiles wants to go back to his cabin, and be with Derek. When he says he wants to go home, he doesn't even know where home is now.

"Poor little druid, all alone in the forest." Stiles hears, and he turns to see a woman. She's of medium height, her curly black hair falls down to her shoulders, her eyes are almost haughtily blue, and her dress has a sweetheart neckline and it falls to the ground. Even Stiles knows that the dress isn't proper for this time, but the woman doesn't look like she cares about fashion though. "What brings you here, gealach?" She asks, and Stiles shrugs.

"How do you know me?" Stiles asks, and she hums as she moves to collect things on the ground. Stiles recognizes some of the herbs she's getting, but they're for healing spells so she's probably not the one that took Mary's child.

"Everyone knows you. A druid taken as an Alpha mate, it's something to talk about." She tells him, and Stiles nods his head. "I'm Julia. I'm like you." She says, and Stiles nods his head as he moves to stand up. "Why are leaning against that stone pillar?" Julia asks, and Stiles snorts as he flexes his hands as they heal. Julia watches him with amazement, he has to admit his healing spell is the best from all around, and he smiles softly at her.

"You won't believe me if I told you." Stiles tells her, and she gives him a curious look as he she stands up straighter to give him a smirking smile.

"My cabin is just a short walk away, gealach." Julia tells him, and Stiles gestures for her to lead the way.


Julia's cabin looks like his room in the McCall den, and he smiles as he breathes in the familiar smells of herbs cooking. It makes him think of home, he has made a mess in Derek's kitchen area with his herbs and everything not that his husband would say anything to anything to him. "So, what won't I believe?" Julia asks, and Stiles scoffs before sitting down on a chair.

"I'm from the future. It's two thousand fifteen where I'm from." Stiles says, and Julia doesn't bat an eyelash before she's moving to make them something to drink and Stiles takes her silence to mean that she's thinking about what he just told her.

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