Thank you, for everything

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Saying your last goodbye to your comfort character


Before I met you, I was lonely.
I was an "outcast", constantly sad and confused. Everything I felt was... overwhelming. So overwhelming that I wished I was incapable of feeling.

I desperately looked for a way to escape reality, to hide away from the world and its cruel gaze directed towards me.

I sometimes cried myself to sleep and prayed to a god. I didn't even know if I was religious, I just wished someone had heard me.

I wanted to be heard.

So, I cried and cried and begged. The night was my warm blanket covering me in my saddest times, while the moon was like a caring parent, a friend, and a sun.

It gave me more comfort than all those three things gave me alone.

My parents weren't the best, and I doubt they ever really cared.

My friends aren't real, I think they never really were.

And the sun only gave me more pain than relief.

But at some point in the night, the stars and the moon weren't enough.
I still felt empty, and my heart remained hollow.
At some point in my life, I accepted it.
I didn't bother uselessly fighting against something I couldn't control anyway.
I accepted that I would never be as happy as other people, that I would never have a happy childhood, or that my life would never be full of rainbows and cupcakes.

I truly accepted it all.

Until I found you.

I was only curious at the start.
I only wanted to take a quick look.
But I became immersed in your story, even if it may not have been yours initially.

I didn't care if you were a side character, a villain, a canon fodder, or the main character.
All I knew was that I fell in love with you.

I felt a sense of comfort when I saw you appear in the storyline, or if something revolved around you.

I was happy, comforted, relieved, and oh so much more every time I thought about you.

You helped me through so much, even if you weren't real.
You saved my life, and only you.
You gave me more comfort than a real person could ever give me.

I was ready to give up, I accepted my damned fate, but then you showed up in all your glory and showed me the light.

You were my savior.
And you still are.

I'm forever indebted to you and everything you did for me.
I wish I could repay you for everything.

But I will never be able to.

So, I cheered you on, I cried with you, I laughed with you.
I felt alive with you.
You made this world a bit better, at least for me.

You saved me, you will forever be my salvation.

And now, your story ended. Our story ended.

And I can't do anything about it. I can't change your ending, I can't change your fate.

I can only remember you.
And I will, forever.

I feel better now, even though your end still pains me. I feel hollow again sometimes, and my gut wrenches painfully every time I'm reminded of the ending.
The ending of your story.

But I'm alright.
Because you saved me.

And I won't let your hard work go to waste.
I know I won't be alright forever, and I'm well aware of the fact that I might fall down into the deep, dark ocean again, forever left to rot.

But for now, I can only try to make the best of my situation. And I will try to live one more day.

For you.

And for me.

Thank you, [.........]

You will forever be in my memory.




Thank you for reading.

If you have any story ideas then please drop them below in the comments, via DM's or Instagram! I'd be very thankful.

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