Chapter 4

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            Since Lychford was a small community and everyone knew everyone at some level, you knew some basic information about Bucky. He'd come to Lychford from Toronto. He was few years older than Pietro, if Pietro was still alive. He was single, or at least hadn't arrived with a partner. He was a career cop, and she expected he was as committed to his job as Pietro had been. That made for an excellent police officer, but it wasn't always desirable in a husband.

Pietro had always maintained his appearance, but Bucky was scruffy, pushing the boundaries of what the dress code allowed for police officers. He didn't look like someone you would take to a fancy party, but he did look tough and able. Right now, you were happy with that.

You were quietly marshaling your thoughts, waiting to get to the detachment so you could demand some answers, when Bucky turned off the highway and onto a secondary road.

You turned to him, fear gripping you again.

"Aren't we going in to Lychford?" The detachment office meant safety, familiarity. It meant this would all be over.

He shook his head.

"Do you want to tell me what's going on here?" You struggled to keep your voice level. You expected to get some answers. Either that or you were going to get somewhere you felt safe. You reached into you bag to feel for your phone, your lifeline to the people you knew.

He glanced your way. Fear was seeping like could into your body, but you met his gaze.

"We're not going to the detachment, because I don't think you're safe there."

Your jaw dropped. You knew most of the people working there. You trusted them. Something was very, very wrong. Had it only been an hour ago that your life was normal?

"Why?" You asked. "Is it something connected to Pietro?"

He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel and looked in the rearview mirror. Then he took another side road, and you tensed.

Bucky let out a breath. "It's nothing to do with your husband."

You frowned. "You might not believe this, but those men who were in my house? They weren't looking for something to steal. They were looking for me. I heard them talking. The police car I was just in was just run off the road and shot at. Do you think that's just a coincidence?" You heard your voice rising and fought for control.

Bucky shook his head again. "No, it's not a coincidence."

"Why do they want me?"

"It's because of your brother."

You thought your stomach dropped about a foot. In fact, it was probably under your seat, no longer in your body. There was a hollow painful hole where it had been. You felt nauseated and clutched the door handle. Thomas? Anything but Thomas?

"What about Thomas? Is he okay? He's on an expedition—"

"No. He isn't."

You wanted to argue but you held your tongue. You weren't sure you could make an intelligible sentence. This wasn't making any sense. You wondered if you'd made a mistake getting in the vehicle with Bucky.

Had Bucky somehow lost it? Should you try to placate him? What could he know about Thomas? Your brother had left on his trip before Bucky even arrived in Lychford.

Bucky glanced at you and continued. "Six months ago, your brother was walking home from a lab session late one night. He took a shortcut and witnessed a murder. He's been in short-tern witness protection since then, not on a research vessel in the Antarctic."

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