my problem

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So I've had a complex array of medical and mental issues, mostly depression, anxiety, and a form of DID (as what my father had explained to me).

And because of this, my sense of motivation in limited to physical rewards and the satisfaction of plying a dun game, because it's fun.

I like writing, I really do, but sometimes I feel like I won't complete it because I think it will eventually become a waste of time or I didn't like what I did and instead of rewriting it, I trash it completely. I don't like this.

And over the time of my writing(as little as it is) I have only now come to the understanding of "You are writing this becuaee you want to, not because others want to see it." Because of this epiphany, I'm going to take my time writing, work some bigger projects every now and then, maybe work in small bursts or just spend a weekend pre writing some chapters for a weekly release. Idk

But some of the ideas I have had already been posted, some removed, and some I just stopped wanting to do.

Some stories I want to do:

The Demi-fiend (SMT NOCTURNE) in highschool DxD, as a male reader in th place of Naoki, or just have Naoki in HSDxD, idk yet.

Some of you have already seen THE PARADOX on my works, that is still a project I'm working on, so if you like it, don't worry it'll return.


Ok then there was......

Ok, wait, hol up....

Imma just list the stuff in series clumps. So like, RWBY, MHA, HSDXD, so on so forth, its a lot easier that way. I'm also going to go in depth into the ideas in later chapters, some might have their own, maybe a group of ideas. So here:

Hish School DxD:

Demi-fiend in Kuoh

DMC4 pandoras box user in Kuoh

Gacha user in Kuoh

Phantom Theif OC in Kuoh

Son of Chaos oc in Kuoh

Scarlet King in Kuoh

Constantine in Kuoh

Warlocke in Kuoh


Demi-Fiend in U.A

Nahobino in U.A

(Have you noticed I like SMT?)

Phantom Thief OC in MHA

Adachi Male reader in MHA

Gacha user in MHA

Son of Chaos oc in MHA

Son of Lucifer(DC) in MHA

Black Bolt in MHA

Swamp Thing in MHA

Constantine in MHA


Son of Chaos oc in RWBY (WIP)

Standard musician OC X Salem

God Butcher in RWBY

Harry Potter (I know, right?):

Hermione's older (much older) brother

Artificer in Hogwarts

Avatar Last Airbender:

Gravity bender (Sigma from overwatch)

Reality Bender

Matter Bender

Electro magnetivity Bender (basically just Magneto)

Konosuba:(you know the drill already)





Blah Blah Blah. You get the point. These are all stories I want to do, or hope to see happen. Feel free to use the ideas for your self, just ask first cause I might be working on it already by the time you ask, you can help with it however. Though that is highly unlikely.

This entire "book" is just going to be explanations and oneshots of the stories here, there will be more than what is listed. Imma get back to yall later, imma write some info dumps see ya


I'm tired, so here are some ideas.Where stories live. Discover now