Chapter 41 - And then There was Blood

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[WARNING: mentions of violence, blood and some gore, read at your own risk]

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[WARNING: mentions of violence, blood and some gore, read at your own risk]

Lucy almost had a heart attack when she saw Jungkook get up and begin to aim for the demons at the entrance of the warehouse.

To say that he was furious was the understatement of the year. The guy was horribly pissed. Hearing those demons talk like that about Amelia had gotten everyone already on edge, seeing as they all liked her. But Jungkook just would not have it.
Jin cursed and tried to grab the younger vampire’s leg but failed miserably. So Lucy ended up throwing the whole ‘sneakily getting close to the demons’ plan out the window and got up as well.
There were six demons at the entrance, at which Jungkook hurriedly pointed his gun towards. For what she could see, they were pretty old demons, very bulky and tall, most likely very sentient too. These weren’t your casual small fry.

And then she saw him.

Tall, skin full of scars, with jet black eye and hair, a daunting, deep scar sinking his skin from the hollow of his cheek and all the way up through his right eye, where the cut seemed to have been deeper. His closed eyelid was almost sunk in, the deep scar wrinkling his skin there, and then making its way to his forehead.

Amelia did get him pretty hardcore in the eye… Atta girl.

Jungkook aimed at the small group of demons and took a shot, hitting one of them in the neck, blood splattering around and hitting the others.

“Fuck! Tell the others to get the trucks out of there.” The leader yelled, pushing one demon out of the warehouse while another straight up started to shift.

“Mina, Emily, round them up! I want that fucker alive!” Lucy growled, her eyes looking straight ahead to the leader of the clan.

His jet black eyes caught sight of hers and a sickening smirk made its way into his lips, mockingly.

“Holy shit, that’s the guy.” Yoongi breathed, eyes wide as he analyzed the muscular demon up front.

Jungkook grew even angrier when he realized that, aiming one more time, this time straight at him. Instead of hitting flesh, the bullet stopped midair right before it hit him. The demon simply gestured his hand to the left and the bullet was pushed aside. He cocked an eyebrow and started to turn around to leave.

Lucy felt herself grow a little panicked. He was using Amelia’s magic to his advantage… Demons weren’t supposed to be able to control them.

Shooting brought her attention back to her side.

Jungkook and Yoongi were now engaged with the demon that had shifted, Emily helping while casting a spell to restrict the demon so the guys could get to him faster. Oh. Lucy had a little breakthrough there… That was actually a good way for the girls to spare their magic, having them act as support instead of just engaging head on. Especially Emily, seeing her magic wasn’t an offensive one.

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