chapter five - anita

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"Oh my God! First party? Who does that to someone in their first party?" I hear someone screech. I think it's Barb. My eyes flutter open, and I sit up. I look to my left, and Barb's there with a look of relief on her face. To my right, Carol?
     "What happened?" I ask Barb. "I don't know, but Ebony found you passed out on the floor with your drink next to you, we think someone spiked you or something!" Barb exclaims and I gasp. "What?" I almost yell, then look down. I'm not in Barb's dress anymore.

     I'm in an oversized T-Shirt that says some band name on it and baggy pyjama pants, Carol must've put me in them.


Carol is holding a cold compress onto my forehead that I didn't even notice, and my wild hair is tied somehow into a bun.

     "Thanks," I say, and she smiles warmly. "No problem," she replies back.

     "Are you hungry?" Barb asks. "Kinda, I have money in my bag, could you order a pizza?" I ask. "I could eat pizza right now," Carol says. "I'd pay you back, of course."

     "Yeah, sure," Barb says, and gets up, her hands still shaking. "Be right back," she scampers off to the phone.

I look at Carol, who takes the flannel off my head. "I'm really sorry, you know, about what happened to you," she says. "It's fine. I'm sorry we didn't invite you or anything. You seem fun to talk to," she laughs. "Me? I'd never go to a party. Call me a loser, but I just don't like involving myself with cokeheads." She says. I snicker. "Fun to talk to?" She adds after. I stumble over my words. "Oh-well, uh, I just meant that- well, I-" she laughs again. "Thanks, Neets. You seem fun, too." Neets. I blush. "Thanks, Carrie." I don't know if it's just the lights but I think she blushed too.

     I look away. "Hey, you know, I-" but I'm interrupted.

     Because Carrie kisses me. Long and soft on the lips. My eyes flutter shut and she holds my jaw, and then I break the kiss. I smile, but then quickly stop and realise what I'd done.

     "Hey, I'm sorry," Carol says. I wave her off. "It's fine. No biggie." And we're smiling again.

As if on cue, Barb wanders back into the room. "Pizza will be about fifteen minutes, that okay?" She asks, and we nod.

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