chapter three

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    worm chapter for amelia <3
    bruce had guessed vance's mom was sick, since he had bought flowers. but, to his surprise, vance was currently leading him into a graveyard. he walks behind vance as vance nears a a grave. he stops in front of it, kneeling down. bruce stands behind him. vance sighs as he sets the flowers down on his mom's grave. he sits down. bruce sits beside him — he didn't know what else to do. he brings his gaze to vance. vance looked vulnerable unlike usual. he could see the tears pricking at vance's eyes.
     he places his hand on top of vance's, attempting to comfort him. vance looks at him, a soft smile making its way onto his face. bruce gives a smile back. he felt a drop of water on his face. then multiple. he looks up at the sky, and vance groans. "shit, i hate rain." bruce stands up, he knew how to cheer vance up — he hopes. "have you ever gone searching for night crawlers while it's raining?" vance lets out a chuckle at that. "like, worm hunting?" he looks at bruce, another soft laugh escaping his mouth. "yes! its fun." bruce crosses his arms. vance stands up. "no, i never have. please, teach me how." bruce couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not, but he didn't care. he takes vances hand and leads him out of the graveyard — it felt wrong to do it there. they walk for a while, until bruce locates a good spot.
    "here!" he crouches down, scanning the mud. vance crouches beside him, very amused. "what, you're not even gonna dig?" bruce looks up from the mud, and to vance. "no way- i don't want mud on my hands." vance laughs at that. "seriously?" bruce glares. "yes! i dont like mud." vance gives bruce a grin, and bruce raises an eyebrow — he didn't like how mischievous it looked. before he knew it, vance had scooped a bit of mud onto his finger and smudged it on bruce's face. his face! bruce was in total shock, then he started quickly trying to get it off, although he just smudged it more.  "vance! help me. this is your fault—" he glared.
   "alright, alright- sorry, princess." he chuckles, and bruce freezes. princess? vance just called him princess. he swallows thickly. although, before he has much more time to think about it, vance had cupped his face and was getting the mud off. bruce felt his face heat up, he was sure he was beet red. vance was inches away from his face, their noses almost touching. then, as if it never happened, vance was standing back up. "alright, you're all clean." he chuckles. bruce was still frozen. vance scans the mud again. "i'm not seeing any worms. let's go find a new spot, yeah?" he brushes his hands off on his pants. bruce slowly shakes himself out of his moment of shock. he eventually stands up as well.
    "right, right. let's look for a new spot." he hoped he wasn't red anymore. "i'm surprised this is something you'd do, princess. how can you even look for worms with a fear of mud?" there it was again. princess. blush spreads across bruce's face again. "i-i just wait for them to surface- and its easy to get them without my hands getting too muddy." he crosses his arms. why was vance making him so flustered? "just- stop judging me!" he huffs and starts walking down the sidewalk. vance chuckles and follows behind. "alright, alright. whatever you request, princess." okay, at this point, vance had to know it was getting a reaction out of him. "stop it with the 'princess', asshole." vance smirks. "why? you sure seem to like it."
"i do not!" he turns to face vance, glaring. "sure. but, your flustered reaction is cute." now, he was definitely just trying to get a reaction. "i regret agreeing to help you." he turns back around and starts walking again, all he gets is a small chuckle in reply from vance. god, what was it with bruce and getting crushes so damn quickly? he inhales sharply. surely this would be like his other crushes. he'd be over vance quickly, hopefully. although, the flirting may cause him to have a small problem moving on.
word count: 723
sorry for how long this took ! my writers block is pretty bad 😭

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