chapter seven

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they skate together for a while, bruce was surprisingly good considering the fact he hadn't been in a good ten years — vance couldnt help admire him for it. bruce lets out a soft laugh. "vance- you have to-" he laughs again. "you have to actually move, i cant just pull you the whole time." vance looked like a scared cat. "fine—" vance hesitantly started to very softly push himself off. "hey- i'm doing it-" he grins, bruce was still technically pulling him, but bruce didnt say anything of course.
"there! you got this-" bruce started to let go of him, but vance grabbed onto his shoulders — he was not ready to try by himself. however, he didn't think that move through far enough. he almost fell — causing bruce to almost fall — but luckily, bruce had surprisingly good balance. he wraps his arms around vance's waist to steady him, and then got himself steadied. although, it put them in an odd position. vance had wrapped his arms around bruce's neck so he could hold himself. they both froze — or atleast tried to freeze, they were still kinda gliding across the rink. bruce found his gaze traveling to vance's lips, and he couldn't ignore the fact that vance was definitely doing the same thing he was.
he swallows thickly and he could feel his face heating up. before he could process anything, he felt vance's lips against his own. his eyes widen. was this really happening? or what he dreaming? if he was dreaming, then this must be unhealthy — like, an obsession. he stops his thoughts, because he wasn't dreaming, and he was infact still in the middle of a roller skating rink. vance seemed to process what he'd done much quicker than bruce. a bright blush spread across his face, and he broke the kiss, immediately letting go. "shit—" bruce couldnt tell if vance looked more panicked or flustered. "oh god i'm so sorry-"
     vance was slowly drifting away from bruce, as he still hadn't exactly gotten the hang of the whole skating thing. bruce grabs his hand. vance was still repeatedly apologizing, but bruce cut him off, pulling him in for another a kiss. vance freezes, his worry washing away as he kisses back. it wasnt a long kiss, but just a short sweet one. bruce breaks the kiss and smiles softly, vance's hands still in his own. "let's finish teaching you how to skate instead of drift, yeah?" vance nods, his blush deepening — in embarrassment this time. something told bruce that it wasnt an accident that it was couples night.
    they took the bus back to the college, despite bruce telling vance to stay on the bus so he could have a ride back to his house. vance was insistent on walking him back to his dorm. "you really should have stayed on the bus—" bruce starts, vance waves his hand dismissively. "it's fine, really, i usually walk home." bruce sighs, stopping in front of his dorm to unlock it. "if you say so." he gets his key out and unlocks it, then he pushes the door open. he turns to face vance again, leaning against the doorway. he gives a smile. "thanks for tonight, i had a lot of fun." vance smiles back. "yeah— i did too. uh, maybe we could do something like it again?"
    bruce looks around, as if in thought. "let me think.." he teases, earning an eye roll from vance. "tell you what, i might need to do something to celebrate my game tomorrow?" he grins. "smooth, better hope you win." vance teases back, a playful grin on his face. "i'll do my best, hopefully you're not too distracting." he half jokes — he was actually worried about impressing vance, and that could turn out to be slightly distracting. vance chuckles. "i'll try my best. see you tomorrow, then?" bruce nods, leaning forward to give him a quick kiss. "see you tomorrow." he says quickly afterwards, going into his dorm. he closes the door behind himself, leaning against it.
    despite him keeping his composure, he felt like he could scream and jump up and down. vance seemed to make him feel like this a lot, he noted. he leans his head back, a content smile on his face. what did this make them? were they dating? maybe he shouldn't worry about labeling it? his mind was racing. he decides not to worry about it. all that mattered was how amazing today had been. as much as he'd love to continue fanboying over vance, he didn't want to loose his game — along with that, he'd loose his date, and he couldn't let that happen. he smiles to himself. maybe he wasn't going to have to get over his crush quickly like he'd suspected.
word count: 816

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