Chapter 50: Michael

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Michael regarded the man in front of him. "Who are you and what are you doing in my house?"

The man was staring. At his scars. Michael felt his mouth twist downward. "Sorry," he looked away sheepishly. "I didn't realize..."

"I'll ask again. Who are you?" Michael stepped closer. "And what are you doing in my house?"

"My name is Detective Everett Larson, and I'm here about your brother." Larson told him.

"My brother died six years ago. You're a bit late on the draw," Michael replied flatly.

"I realize that now." Larson looked away. "Look, I don't mean to cause issues. Really. I just want him to stop killing people."

"What?" Michael frowned. "Evan wouldn't hurt a fly."

"Ghosts are interesting beings. They react differently, did you know that? Hold grudges for a longer period of time too." Larson shrugged. "So..."

"You want to know how I got these scars, don't you?"

"I'm a naturally curious person."

"How did you get in here?"

"I tagged along with Ms. Walters."

Michael wrinkled his nose. "Kayla was with you?"

"A while ago, yeah. She said I could stick around and talk to you."

"Did she? And what could you possibly want to talk to me about? My father?"

"I already told you-"

"Evan's angry. Yeah, I get that. But he wouldn't kill anyone. Not unless they made him really mad." Which, now that Michael was thinking about it, Cassidy's anger made Evan dangerous. If he had her ability to irrationally hold grudges now, he probably would kill. "Although-"

"So you don't deny it."

"I guess not," Michael admitted. "But why stick around to tell me that?"

"You asked." Larson shifted, taking a step back.

Michael felt an amused smile form on his face. "Are you frightened, Detective? Do my scars scare you?"

"They are rather... intimidating." Larson's gaze flicked back to Michael's face before going off in another direction again.

"So, you came here with Kayla. What did you two even talk about, anyway?"

"Talked about the missing children for a brief period of time. She told me to do my homework on that. Uhm, she avoided questions about Foxy and Fritz. We talked about your father for a bit too."

Michael's expression soured. Larson's eyes widened, and he shuffled away again, hand drifting toward his belt. "My father. He's a liar and manipulator, did she tell you that? I didn't want to believe Evan when he told me that, but I know it for sure now. A child murderer with no real motive. No real point. He kills for fun. And he expected that it wouldn't bother me. Wouldn't bother my family. One by one they disappeared and died. Hell, I would've died. Lucky me, I got out alive." He pointed to his face before rolling back his sleeve to show the scarring on his arms. "It goes all the way down, you know. Worst spot is my stomach."

Larson's face twitched. "What... what happened?"

"My dear younger sister tried to rip out my insides and wear me as a skin suit with her newfound animatronic friends." Michael pushed his sleeve back down. "Evan was fine a while ago. Not furious until that happened." Michael evaluated Larson. "So, what is your goal? You've discovered that my younger brother is killing people, now what?"

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