Chapter 1: FIRE

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Chapter 1: FIRE

"Hey, I'm going to walk around the island for a bit. I'll be back in about 30 minutes." A young woman with long white hair and blue eyes said as she pushed the bar doors open. "Watch out!" A man yelled as he ran and bumped into the girl, causing her to fall on her butt. "Hey! Hold on, Kai, what's going on? Why are you in such a rush?" The girl asked as she gripped Kai's ankle causing him to trip. "Hey! Don't ignore me!" She said seriously. The grip she held on his ankle tightening. "Amai! Let go!" Kai said as his eyes widened in fear. "Kai!" She exclaimed the desperation and confusion consuming her features. "Ok, fine. There are pirates at the shore, the marines are trying to hold them back." He said. Amai loosened her grip. "Wait, what pirates?!" Amai called after him as his running figure faded in the distance. "Well, I guess I could find out for myself." She thought as she pushed herself on her feet and proceeded to pat around her body, getting the dust off. "Get out of my way girlie!" A pirate shouted as he ran past her bumping into her shoulder harshly. "What the hell is going on?!" She said looking around frantically. "Oh my god..." Amai trailed off, her eyes widening with terror as she watched. "I-is that a cannonball?" She said asking no one in particular. That question was answered almost immediately as the object exploded after making contact. Amai sprinted to the shore that now had flames consuming the wooden shack where the sailor, Alex, lived. "Damn it, where is he?" She said frantically looking around as she neared the shack. "Hey, you!" Amai looked at the captain of the marines and pointed at herself. "Who? Me?" "Yes!" He shouted. At this moment she took the time to realize that the marines were pointing their guns at her. "You need to go back to town so you don't get hurt, little girl." The marine captain ordered smugly. "No!" Amai yelled as she glared at the marine captain. " Show some respect, stupid woman! Do you realize who you are talking to?!" A runt asked, clenching his fists and grinding his teeth. "No, and I don't care." Amai sassed as she continued towards the shack. "If you continue to interrupt this fight, we will not be responsible if you get caught in the crossfire." The marine captain warned her. She looked around taking in all her surroundings and noticed the Moby Dick, Whitebeard's ship. "So Gramps is here, huh." She thought, a smile on her face. "Okay, that's fine with me. Just know if you shoot at me there will be consequences. Are you prepared to have Whitebeard and all his allies as enemies?" Amai asked as she continued walking towards the shack. "Fire!" The marine captain yelled. All the marines got into position and shot their guns. Amai's eyes widened.  "He's a dumbass, he really shot at me!" Amai thought as she watched the bullets fired at her. "Hey, don't you know it's rude to shoot at a lady?" A male's voice asked as flames rushed past her. Her hair blowing in her face, she reached a hand to hold her hair behind her ear and look at the guy. His back was turned to her but she noticed he had wavy black hair, a hat, and the most prominent, the Whitebeard pirates tattoo. "Thank you!" Amai shouted as she ran to the shack. "Alex! Alex, where are you?!" Amai shouted as she entered the shack and covered her nose with her shirt. "Here." A weak voice said. She then went to the living room where she heard the old man's voice. "I'm right here." She said as she coughed up smoke. She helped him get up and allowed him to use her as support. "Are you alright? No injuries?" She asked. "No, just smoke inhalation and bruises." He blacked out after giving her a soft smile. "Crap, I need to get out of here. I don't wanna have to think about what might happen to him if I don't get out of here." She thought as she hoisted him over her shoulder and ran to the living room. As she looked for a way out she noticed a beam fell in front of the door preventing her escape. "Damn, what do I do now?" She thought as she spotted a window next to the door that was cracked. If she rammed into the window she might be able to shatter it, but she also considered the problems. "The window glass will be hot because of the fire. What if I cause Alexs' injuries to worsen? Oh well, I guess I'll just have to take it one problem at a time." She thought as she sprinted at the window. "Here we go!" She thought as her body made contact with the window. "AHHH! OUCH!" She exclaimed in pain as she fell through the now shattered window and landed on the glass-covered ground with a thud. As she regained her senses she shakily sat up with Alex in her arms. "Hey, old man, wake up. Wake up please!" She said as she gently shook him. Panicking when she got no response. "Ok Amai, get a hold of yourself, take a few deep breaths. In...Out...In...Out. In...Out. Ok, now that my mind is clear I should check his heartbeat"  She thought as she cleared the area around her of glass and got a few cuts in the process. She then laid Alex on the ground and gently put her ear against his chest. "Come on where's his heartbeat?" Her eyes widened as she heard the 'ba...dum' of his heart. It was failing, barely beating at all. "I need a doctor stat! You're a Whitebeard pirate, right?" Amai asked the guy with black wavy hair that had saved her previously.
"Can you please get your doctor to help me?"
"Sorry ma'am, but what reason do we have to trust you?" A guy that had blond hair asked. "Crap, what do I tell them? Should I tell them? No, I think it's too soon for that. Besides, would they even believe me?" Amai thought as she furiously pulled and rubbed her previously smooth, silky, white hair, now a mess. "Can you just trust me and give me the benefit of a doubt?" The two men glanced at each other and back at her.
"Sorry, we can't. For all, we know you could be a marine spy."
"Marco, you really think that she's a marine spy after everything she's done so far? The marines normally don't care for civilians, yet she ran into a fire to save an old man."
"But Ace, this could be a game to her. If she's a spy then she has done worse things than this to get her job done."
Amai stared blankly at them and her anger slowly took over as a tick mark formed on her forehead.
"My sons, it's alright. Marco, help her please."
" Of course."
Amais' eyes widened as her eyes gazed upon the infamous pirate, Whitebeard. "Thank you, so much, Pops!" Amai exclaimed as she grinned at Whitebeard. "Of course, my dear," Whitebeard said, smiling softly at the young girl. "Pops?!" The two men exclaimed. "Why of course, after all, she has been a whitebeard pirate longer than most."
"..." The boys Amai assumed to be Marco and Ace just stood there shocked at the newly given information. Amai giggled at their reactions. "Well, in any case, I'm Marco the phoenix, the doctor and 1st division commander of the Whitebeard pirates, and this is Fire Fist Ace, the 2nd division commander." Marco said as he motioned to Ace. I gave a wave and a smile, "It's nice to meet you both. Is there a place we can take him, where he'll be safe for the time being?" Marco asked as he hoisted Alex up so he was using Marco as support. "Yes, follow me." Amai said as she stood up from the sand. "Hey, girl. If you go any farther with that pirate you will be charged with assisting pirates and will be wanted by the world government." The marine Captain said. "You say that as if I wouldn't be wanted by the world government after this anyway. We both know that nothing can change the fact that I disobeyed you." Amai said as she started walking to the town with Marco behind her. She noticed that a lot of the towns' people had gathered at the entrance to the beach. She saw two familiar faces amongst the crowd. Two heads of chestnut brown hair. They are Alex's grandkids, Sosuke and Sophie. "Gramps!" The kids yelled as Amai and Marco neared the entrance to the town. "Do you think Gramps is going to be okay?" Sosuke asked as Sophie clung to her older brother's shirt sleeve. She didn't answer as she and Marco sped past the crowd. As they went through the town Marco noticed many people stare with shock. Some even asked them questions as they passed. "Ok, we're here." Amai said as she opened the bar door for Marco. "Amai, where have you been, I was worried sick. You were gone for at least an hour; almost two." A woman with light brown, pixie cut hair and lime green eyes said. She had her arms crossed against her chest and her shoe tapping the hardwood floor of the bar repeatedly. She then took notice of Marco who is still holding Alex. "Oh no! What happened?" She asked as she rushed towards them from her spot behind the bar. "Fumi, I will tell you everything later, right now I need to help Alex." Amai said as she led Marco to the back room of the bar where she had her doctor's office.
"Can you lay him on that bed over there please?"
"Yeah." She then set up an oxygen mask and strapped it to Alexs' face.
"Can you check his vitals for me?"
"Sure, but what are you doing?"
"Okay, listen. You can't tell anyone about this."
"Tell anyone about what?"
Amai then walked towards Alex on the bed, not even bothering to look at the chart for him that Marco had just filled out. She laid one hand on Alex's chest and the other on his abdomen. Her hands started glowing a bright green. "Looks like it's a little more than smoke inhalation." She muttered to herself taking a mental note that he also had first-degree burns. "All done. He should wake up soon." She said happily, wiping sweat from her forehead. "Is that the power of a devil fruit?" Marco asked as he watched the glow fade till it was non-existent. "Yeah."

Amai pov
I have the power of the Chiyu-Chiyu no mi, also known as the heal-heal fruit. I can generate a glow from my hands that allows me to heal external or internal injuries. Although when I heal internal injuries it takes a while for the glow to take effect, so to compensate for that I can heal through physical touch and physical affection like holding hands romantically. And although it's a little embarrassing to admit, I can also heal through intimate acts such as kissing or giving hickeys. There are also many downsides. Like, I can only heal physical wounds so, the more severe the injury is the more physical and intimate contact I need with the person I'm treating. Nor can I heal pre-existing conditions like vision, disabilities, birth defects or impairments, or any mental conditions like PTSD. Not only that but because my power comes from that of a devil fruit I can't swim. "Oh, ok, that makes sense." Marco said as he walked to the door and opened it, he turned back, hand still on the doorknob. "You coming?" "Yeah, just give me a minute. I'm going to check over everything one last time."  "Alright." Marco said and then left the room closing the door behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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