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Vegas pulled Pete closer to him after he had finished rubbing his shoulders. And Pete contently snuggled back into his chest, his eyes still closed and he felt Vegas' chin on his head.

Vegas broke the hug and reached out for something which made Pete whine. Vegas returned back swiftly and kissed his shoulders, whispering sweet nothings in his ears.

"I'm not going anywhere, doll," one of his hands was still missing around Pete, so Pete thought he was checking up on what was going on back home and he didn't seem to bother. But if it was something else Pete wasn't going to turn it down though.

As soon as Pete heard some beep he slowly opened his eyes to the blinds unfolding themselves, revealing the beauty of the early Sun's rays rising above the ocean that they were facing together.

"It's morning already" Pete cooed.

He smiled slowly as Vegas' hand made it back to him and held onto his hands and pressed his lips on his hand as he looked out.

Vegas didn't look at the Sun because he was busy admiring Pete through the mirror in the corner of the room. He could see Pete glowing from the light coming through the window and its paper-thin curtains made him look like an angel and Vegas got lost in his beauty.

Vegas was pulled back into reality when he was caught staring at the latter.

"It's the D-Day!" He said, still holding eye contact with Pete's reflection before turning to the view.

Pete hummed. When he reached to pull the sheets to cover himself and Vegas he noticed their tangled feet and couldn't help but smile. But he can't hide the fact that he was anxious.

Pete never made Vegas leave their bed, neither did he stay away from him because he was too afraid this was going to be a one-night-stand-before-the-divorce story, and history was going to repeat itself if he let go of Vegas' hand. He was scared that everything is going to end after they go back home.

Vegas may be hard to read sometimes but Pete was a coward in this situation because he didn't want to ruin things by finding out that they weren't on the same page all along.

Why did things turn the way they did? What was the reason for the total change in Vegas' behavior towards him? Why didn't he show this side of him before? And most importantly, why now?

Why when the divorce was announced?

A thousand questions kept revolving in his head but he turned a blind eye to them because he wanted to hold on to this fantasy while it lasted.

"Penny for your thoughts?" he kissed his shoulders and looked up at him. "So what's on your mind?"

"I don't think I'll ever forget this view," he said with a smile plastered on his face. "this trip! And mostly this room," he turned and looked down at Vegas' lips before planting a quick kiss on them.

Pete sighed and turned back to his view.

"And?" vegas kissed his neck. "sounds like there might be more."

"It's a big day, today! And I'm happy for them, that's all"

"You know Pete that's not the face you make when you are happy," Vegas kept throwing him questions.

"It's- just, what if Porsche gets unhappy... They only dated for a few months, Vegas! It reminds me of... Vegas, what if they end up-"

"Like us?" Pete nodded cautiously.

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